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Evidence needed to manage freshwater ecosystems in a changing climate: Turning adaptation principles into practice

Wilby, R.L.; Orr, H.; Watts, G.; Battarbee, R.W.; Berry, P.M.; Chadd, R.; Dugdale, S.J.; Dunbar, M.J.; Elliott, J.A.; Extence, C.; Hannah, D.M.; Holmes, N.; Johnson, A.C.; Knights, B.; Milner, N.J.; Ormerod, S.J.; Solomon, D.; Timlett, R.; Whitehead, P.J.; Wood, P.J.


R.L. Wilby

H. Orr

G. Watts

R.W. Battarbee

P.M. Berry

R. Chadd

M.J. Dunbar

J.A. Elliott

C. Extence

D.M. Hannah

N. Holmes

A.C. Johnson

B. Knights

N.J. Milner

S.J. Ormerod

D. Solomon

R. Timlett

P.J. Whitehead

P.J. Wood


Wilby, R., Orr, H., Watts, G., Battarbee, R., Berry, P., Chadd, R., Dugdale, S., Dunbar, M., Elliott, J., Extence, C., Hannah, D., Holmes, N., Johnson, A., Knights, B., Milner, N., Ormerod, S., Solomon, D., Timlett, R., Whitehead, P., & Wood, P. (2010). Evidence needed to manage freshwater ecosystems in a changing climate: Turning adaptation principles into practice. Science of the Total Environment, 408(19), 4150-4164.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date May 11, 2010
Online Publication Date Jun 11, 2010
Publication Date Sep 1, 2010
Deposit Date Nov 23, 2018
Journal Science of The Total Environment
Print ISSN 0048-9697
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 408
Issue 19
Pages 4150-4164
Keywords Climate change; Ecosystem; Freshwater; Adaptation; Monitoring; Planning; Multi-disciplinary
Public URL
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