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Thermodynamic, pyrolytic, and kinetic investigation on the thermal decomposition of polyvinyl chloride in the presence of franklinite

Altarawneh, Sanad; Al-Harahsheh, Mohammad; Dodds, Chris; Buttress, Adam; Kingman, Sam

Thermodynamic, pyrolytic, and kinetic investigation on the thermal decomposition of polyvinyl chloride in the presence of franklinite Thumbnail


Sanad Altarawneh

Mohammad Al-Harahsheh


Thermal co-treatment of Electric Arc Furnace Dust (EAFD) and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) may provide a viable route for reprocessing these hazardous materials within the circular economy. To develop and optimise a commercial treatment process, the complex mechanistic pathway resulting from the reaction of these two wastes must be understood. Franklinite (ZnFe2O4) is a major zinc containing phase in EAFD and to date, little work has been undertaken on the decomposition of PVC in its presence. Herein, we present a thermodynamic, pyrolytic, and kinetic study of PVC degradation in the presence of ZnFe2O4. It was found that ZnFe2O4 decomposed to its associated halides. Additionally, the kinetics data confirmed the catalytic activity of ZnFe2O4, dropping the de-hydrochlorination onset temperature of PVC from 272 to 235 °C. The distribution of the activation energy with conversion suggests the presence of several competitive reactions each with a different energy barrier. In such a case, reaction channelling can take place leading to selective zinc chlorination. Moreover, since the reduction of Fe2O3 is slow at low temperatures, it is recommended to operate at a temperature as low as 235 °C which can promote the chlorination selectivity towards zinc leaving iron bearing compounds in their stable form (Fe2O3).


Altarawneh, S., Al-Harahsheh, M., Dodds, C., Buttress, A., & Kingman, S. (2022). Thermodynamic, pyrolytic, and kinetic investigation on the thermal decomposition of polyvinyl chloride in the presence of franklinite. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 168, 558-569.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Oct 12, 2022
Online Publication Date Oct 20, 2022
Publication Date Dec 1, 2022
Deposit Date Oct 19, 2022
Publicly Available Date Oct 21, 2023
Journal Process Safety and Environmental Protection
Print ISSN 0957-5820
Electronic ISSN 1744-3598
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 168
Pages 558-569
Keywords Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality; General Chemical Engineering; Environmental Chemistry; Environmental Engineering
Public URL
Publisher URL


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