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Investigating the binding preferences of small molecule inhibitors of human protein arginine methyltransferase 1 using molecular modelling

Hong, Wei; Laughton, Charles A.; Li, Jingyang; Yap, Lee Fah; Paterson, Ian C.; Wang, Hao


Wei Hong

Jingyang Li

Lee Fah Yap

Ian C. Paterson

Hao Wang


Protein arginine methyltransferases (PRMTs) catalyse the methylation of arginine residues of target proteins. PRMTs utilise S-adenosyl methionine (SAM) as the methyl group donor, leading to S-adenosyl homocysteine (SAH) and monomethylarginine (mMA). A combination of homology modelling, molecular docking, Active Site Pressurisation, molecular dynamic simulations and MM-PBSA free energy calculations is used to investigate the binding poses of three PRMT1 inhibitors (ligands 1–3), which target both SAM and substrate arginine binding sites by containing a guanidine group joined by short linkers with the SAM derivative. It was assumed initially that the adenine moieties of the inhibitors would bind in sub-site 1 (PHE44, GLU137, VAL136 and GLU108), the guanidine side chain would occupy sub-site 2 (GLU 161, TYR160, TYR156 and TRP302), with the amino acid side chain occupying sub-site 3 (GLU152, ARG62, GLY86 and ASP84; pose 1). However, the SAH homocysteine moiety does not fully occupy sub-site 3, suggesting another binding pose may exist (pose 2), whereby the adenine moiety binds in sub-site 1, the guanidine side chain occupies sub-site 3, and the amino acid side chain occupies sub-site 2. Our results indicate that ligand 1 (pose 1 or 2), ligand 2 (pose 2) and ligand 3 (pose 1) are the predominant binding poses and we demonstrate for the first time that sub-site 3 contains a large space that could be exploited in the future to develop novel inhibitors with higher binding affinities.


Hong, W., Laughton, C. A., Li, J., Yap, L. F., Paterson, I. C., & Wang, H. (2014). Investigating the binding preferences of small molecule inhibitors of human protein arginine methyltransferase 1 using molecular modelling. Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling, 51, 193-202.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date May 28, 2014
Online Publication Date Jun 4, 2014
Publication Date 2014-06
Deposit Date Dec 20, 2017
Journal Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling
Print ISSN 1093-3263
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 51
Pages 193-202
Keywords PRMT1 inhibitors; Homology modelling; Active Site Pressurisation; Molecular dynamic simulation; Binding mode
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