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Molecular differentiated initiator reactivity in the synthesis of poly(caprolactone)-based hydrophobic homopolymer and amphiphilic core corona star polymers

Deng, Eileen; Nguyen, Nam T.; Hild, Fr�d�ric; Hamilton, Ian E.; Dimitrakis, Georgios; Kingman, Samuel W.; Lau, Phei-Li; Irvine, Derek J.

Molecular differentiated initiator reactivity in the synthesis of poly(caprolactone)-based hydrophobic homopolymer and amphiphilic core corona star polymers Thumbnail


Eileen Deng

Nam T. Nguyen

Fr�d�ric Hild

Ian E. Hamilton

Phei-Li Lau


Macromolecules that possess three-dimensional, branched molecular structures are of great interest because they exhibit significantly differentiated application performance compared to conventional linear (straight chain) polymers. This paper reports the synthesis of 3- and 4-arm star branched polymers via ring opening polymerisation (ROP) utilising multi-functional hydroxyl initiators and Sn(Oct)2 as precatalyst. The structures produced include mono-functional hydrophobic and multi-functional amphiphilic core corona stars. The characteristics of the synthetic process were shown to be principally dependent upon the physical/dielectric properties of the initiators used. ROP’s using initiators that were more available to become directly involved with the Sn(Oct)2 in the “in-situ” formation of the true catalytic species were observed to require shorter reaction times. Use of microwave heating (MWH) in homopolymer star synthesis reduced reaction times compared to conventional heating (CH) equivalents, this was attributed to an increased rate of “in-situ” catalyst formation. However, in amphiphilic core corona star formation, the MWH polymerisations exhibited slower propagation rates than CH equivalents. This was attributed to macro-structuring within the reaction medium, which reduced the potential for reaction. It was concluded that CH experiments were less affected by this macro-structuring because it was disrupted by the thermal currents/gradients caused by the conductive/convective heating mechanisms. These gradients are much reduced/absent with MWH because it selectively heats specific species simultaneously throughout the entire volume of the reaction medium. These partitioning problems were overcome by introducing additional quantities of the species that had been determined to selectively heat.


Deng, E., Nguyen, N. T., Hild, F., Hamilton, I. E., Dimitrakis, G., Kingman, S. W., Lau, P.-L., & Irvine, D. J. (2015). Molecular differentiated initiator reactivity in the synthesis of poly(caprolactone)-based hydrophobic homopolymer and amphiphilic core corona star polymers. Molecules, 20(11), 20131-20145.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Oct 27, 2015
Online Publication Date Nov 9, 2015
Publication Date Nov 30, 2015
Deposit Date Aug 3, 2018
Publicly Available Date Feb 4, 2019
Electronic ISSN 1420-3049
Publisher MDPI
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 20
Issue 11
Pages 20131-20145
Public URL
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Contract Date Feb 4, 2019


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