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Matrix converter open circuit fault behavior analysis and diagnosis with a model predictive control strategy

Zhang, Jiawei; Dan, Hanbing; Empringham, Lee; De Lillo, Liliana; Wheeler, Patrick

Matrix converter open circuit fault behavior analysis and diagnosis with a model predictive control strategy Thumbnail


Jiawei Zhang

Hanbing Dan


A novel fast and reliable open circuit fault diagnosis strategy for a Matrix Converter with a Finite Control Set Model Predictive Control strategy is proposed in this paper. Current sensors are located ahead of the clamp circuit to measure the output currents in order to improve the speed of fault diagnosis. In addition, the current recirculating path during a single open circuit switch fault condition is given in detail with the aim of contributing more expert knowledge to the fault diagnosis. The proposed fault diagnosis method is applicable over the whole range of modulation index.


Zhang, J., Dan, H., Empringham, L., De Lillo, L., & Wheeler, P. (2018). Matrix converter open circuit fault behavior analysis and diagnosis with a model predictive control strategy. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 6(4), 1831-1839.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jun 29, 2018
Online Publication Date Jul 16, 2018
Publication Date Jul 16, 2018
Deposit Date Aug 23, 2018
Publicly Available Date Aug 23, 2018
Journal IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics
Print ISSN 2168-6777
Electronic ISSN 2168-6785
Publisher Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 6
Issue 4
Pages 1831-1839
Keywords Current Recirculation, Clamp Circuit, Direct Matrix Converter, Fault Diagnosis, Finite Control Set Model Predictive Control.
Public URL
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Contract Date Aug 23, 2018


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