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Vector Graphics: From PostScript and Flash to SVG

Probets, Steve; Mong, Julius; Evans, David; Brailsford, David F.

Vector Graphics: From PostScript and Flash to SVG Thumbnail


Steve Probets

Julius Mong

David Evans

David F. Brailsford


Ethan Munson


The XML-based specification for Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), sponsored by the World Wide Web consortium, allows for compact and descriptive vector graphics for the Web.

SVG s domain of discourse is that of graphic primitives whose optional attributes express line thickness, fill patterns, text size and so on. These primitives have very different properties from those of traditional document components (e.g. sections, paragraphs etc.) that XML is normally called upon to express.

This paper describes a set of three tools for creating SVG, either from first principles or via the conversion of existing formats. The ab initio generation of SVG is effected from a server-side CGI script, using a PERL library of drawing functions; later sections highlight the problems of converting Adobe PostScript and Macromedia s Shockwave format (SWF) into SVG.


Probets, S., Mong, J., Evans, D., & Brailsford, D. F. Vector Graphics: From PostScript and Flash to SVG. Presented at ACM Symposium on Document Engineering (DocEng '01)

Conference Name ACM Symposium on Document Engineering (DocEng '01)
End Date Nov 10, 2001
Publication Date Jan 1, 2001
Deposit Date Oct 6, 2005
Publicly Available Date Oct 9, 2007
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Keywords SVG, Flash, SWF, PDF, PostScript
Public URL
Additional Information Final draft of paper accepted for ACM Doc Eng 2001


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