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DNA charge neutralisation by linear polymers I: irreversible binding

Maltsev, Eugene; Wattis, Jonathan A.D.; Byrne, Helen M.

DNA charge neutralisation by linear polymers I: irreversible binding Thumbnail


Eugene Maltsev

Helen M. Byrne


We develop a deterministic mathematical model to describe the way
in which polymers bind to DNA by considering the dynamics of the
gap distribution that forms when polymers bind to a DNA plasmid.
In so doing, we generalise existing theory to account for overlaps
and binding cooperativity whereby the polymer binding rate depends
on the size of the overlap The proposed mean-field models are then
solved using a combination of numerical and asymptotic methods. We
find that overlaps lead to higher coverage and hence higher charge
neutralisations, results which are more in line with recent
experimental observations. Our work has applications to gene
therapy where polymers are used to neutralise the negative charges
of the DNA phosphate backbone, allowing condensation prior to
delivery into the nucleus of an abnormal cell.


Maltsev, E., Wattis, J. A., & Byrne, H. M. DNA charge neutralisation by linear polymers I: irreversible binding. Physical Review E, 74,

Journal Article Type Article
Deposit Date Aug 15, 2008
Journal Physical Review E
Print ISSN 2470-0045
Electronic ISSN 2470-0053
Publisher American Physical Society
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 74
Public URL
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