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A comparison of three different methods for classification of breast cancer data

Soria, Daniele; Garibaldi, Jonathan M.; Biganzoli, Elia M.; Ellis, Ian O.

A comparison of three different methods for classification of breast cancer data Thumbnail


Daniele Soria

Jonathan M. Garibaldi

Elia M. Biganzoli

Ian O. Ellis


The classification of breast cancer patients is of great importance in cancer diagnosis. During the last few years, many algorithms have been proposed for this task. In this paper, we review different supervised machine learning techniques for classification of a novel dataset and perform a methodological comparison of these. We used the C4.5 tree classifier, a Multilayer Perceptron and a naïve Bayes classifier over a large set of tumour markers. We found good performance of the Multilayer Perceptron even when we reduced the number of features to be classified. We found naive Bayes achieved a competitive performance even though the assumption of normality of the data is strongly violated.


Soria, D., Garibaldi, J. M., Biganzoli, E. M., & Ellis, I. O. (2008). A comparison of three different methods for classification of breast cancer data.

Conference Name Machine Learning and Applications 2008 (ICMLA'08) Seventh International Conference on Seventh International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications
End Date Dec 13, 2008
Publication Date Jan 1, 2008
Deposit Date Mar 18, 2015
Publicly Available Date Mar 18, 2015
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
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Additional Information Published in: ICMLA 2008: Seventh International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications. Los Alamitos, Calif.: IEEE Computer Society, 2008. ISBN: 978-0-7695-3495-4, pp. 619-624, doi: 10.1109/ICMLA.2008.97.

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