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The cultural divide in Europe: migration, multiculturalism, and political trust

McLaren, Lauren M.

The cultural divide in Europe: migration, multiculturalism, and political trust Thumbnail


Lauren M. McLaren


One of the defining features of modern states is their incorporation of notions of political and social community based on shared language, history, and myths. However, large numbers of citizens in modern states have come to believe their national communities are under threat from several modern forces, including immigration. Using the European Social Survey (2002-2009), this paper explores the extent to which perceived threats posed by large-scale immigration undermine national political communities by reducing trust in national politicians and political institutions. The findings indicate that even after controlling for other predictors of trust in the political system, concerns about the effect of immigration on the national community have an impact on trust in politics. Moreover, having a lengthy post-war history with mass immigration mediates this effect, while the potentially mobilizing effects of far-right parties on the relationship between concern about immigration and political distrust are somewhat limited.


McLaren, L. M. The cultural divide in Europe: migration, multiculturalism, and political trust. World Politics,

Journal Article Type Article
Deposit Date Jan 6, 2012
Publicly Available Date Jan 6, 2012
Journal World Politics
Print ISSN 0043-8871
Electronic ISSN 1086-3338
Publisher Cambridge University Press
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information Accompanied by web appendix: Percent vote for far-right (anti-immigration) parties


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