368 CFHealthHub: development and evaluation of videos incorporating peer description of successful self-management with inhaled therapies in adults with CF used to build self-efficacy to support self-care within the CFHealthHub complex intervention
Journal Article
Kirkpatrick, S., Arden, M., Beever, D., Bradley, J., Cantrill, H., Daniels, T., Drabble, S., Elston, C., Flight, W., Gates, A., Horsley, A., Hutchings, M., Johnson, S., Langman, H., Maguire, C., McVean, R., Ryan, S., Sanders, R., & Wildman, M. (2017). 368 CFHealthHub: development and evaluation of videos incorporating peer description of successful self-management with inhaled therapies in adults with CF used to build self-efficacy to support self-care within the CFHealthHub complex intervention. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, 16(Suppl 1), S155-S156. https://doi.org/10.1016/s1569-1993%2817%2930699-9
Outputs (3)
Assessments in Forensic Practice: A Handbook (2017)
Browne, K. D., Beech, A. R., Craig, L. A., & Chou, S. (Eds.). (2017). Assessments in Forensic Practice: A Handbook. Wiley-BlackwellAssessments in Forensic Practice: A Handbook provides practical guidance in the assessment of the most frequently encountered offender subgroups found within the criminal justice system. Topics include:
- criminal justice assessments
- offenders wi... Read More about Assessments in Forensic Practice: A Handbook.
Community Approaches to the Assessment and Prevention of Intimate Partner Violence and Child Maltreatment (2017)
Book Chapter
Browne, K., Chou, S., & Jackson, V. (2017). Community Approaches to the Assessment and Prevention of Intimate Partner Violence and Child Maltreatment. In K. D. Browne, A. R. Beech, L. A. Craig, & S. Chou (Eds.), Assessments in Forensic Practice: A Handbook (235-264). Wiley-Blackwell. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781118314531.ch12Women are more at risk from men who are generally violent or men with personality disorders than men who are only violent in the home. In incidents perpetrated by both generally violent men or men with personality disorders, the violence is more like... Read More about Community Approaches to the Assessment and Prevention of Intimate Partner Violence and Child Maltreatment.