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Pre- and post-operative voice therapy for benign vocal fold lesions: protocol for a non-randomised, multicentre feasibility trial with embedded process evaluation (2024)
Journal Article
White, A., Carding, P., Booth, V., McGlashan, J., Van Stan, J., Logan, P., & Awad, R. (2024). Pre- and post-operative voice therapy for benign vocal fold lesions: protocol for a non-randomised, multicentre feasibility trial with embedded process evaluation. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 10, Article 84.

Background: Management of benign vocal fold lesions (BVFLs) is variable with individuals receiving surgery, voice therapy, or a combination of these approaches. Some evidence suggests that the best outcomes may be achieved when patients are offered p... Read More about Pre- and post-operative voice therapy for benign vocal fold lesions: protocol for a non-randomised, multicentre feasibility trial with embedded process evaluation.