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Left triangular ligament lesions are likely hepatic in origin: a systematic review (2023)
Journal Article
Agarwal, S., Munyal, R., Aravinthan, A. D., & Clarke, C. G. D. (2023). Left triangular ligament lesions are likely hepatic in origin: a systematic review. British Journal of Radiology, 96(1152), Article 20230231.

Objectives: The left lobe of liver is connected to the left hemi-diaphragm by the left triangular ligament (LTL) which crosses the left upper quadrant (LUQ) of the abdomen. LTL lesions are rare and can cause diagnostic confusion. We encountered a hep... Read More about Left triangular ligament lesions are likely hepatic in origin: a systematic review.

Long-term outcomes (beyond 5 years) of liver transplant recipients - a transatlantic multicentre study (2023)
Journal Article
Palaniyappan, N., Peach, E., Pearce, F., Dhaliwal, A., Campos-Varela, I., Cant, M. R., Dopazo, C., Trotter, J., Divani-Patel, S., AZ Hatta, A., Hopkins, L., Testa, G., Bilbao, A., Kasmani, Z., Faloon, S., Mirza, D. F., Klintmalm, G. B., Bilbao, I., Asrani, S. K., Rajoriya, N., & Aravinthan, A. D. (2024). Long-term outcomes (beyond 5 years) of liver transplant recipients - a transatlantic multicentre study. Liver Transplantation, 30(2), 170-181.

The long-term (>5 year) outcomes following liver transplantation (LT) have not been extensively reported. The aim was to evaluate outcomes of LT recipients who have survived the first 5 years. A
multicentre retrospective analysis of prospectively... Read More about Long-term outcomes (beyond 5 years) of liver transplant recipients - a transatlantic multicentre study.

Long-term outcomes (beyond 5 years) of liver transplant recipients--a transatlantic multicenter study (2023)
Journal Article
Palaniyappan, N., Peach, E., Pearce, F., Dhaliwal, A., Campos-Varela, I., Cant, M. R., Dopazo, C., Trotter, J., Divani-Patel, S., Hatta, A. A., Hopkins, L., Testa, G., Bilbao, A., Kasmani, Z., Faloon, S., Mirza, D. F., Klintmalm, G. B., Bilbao, I., Asrani, S. K., Rajoriya, N., & Aravinthan, A. D. (2024). Long-term outcomes (beyond 5 years) of liver transplant recipients--a transatlantic multicenter study. Liver Transplantation, 30(2), 170-181.

The long-term (>5y) outcomes following liver transplantation (LT) have not been extensively reported. The aim was to evaluate outcomes of LT recipients who have survived the first 5 years. A multicenter retrospective analysis of prospectively collect... Read More about Long-term outcomes (beyond 5 years) of liver transplant recipients--a transatlantic multicenter study.

Outcomes of National Survey of the Practice of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Surveillance (2023)
Journal Article
Scott, R. A., Cross, T. J., Clarke, C., Khan, S. A., Ryder, S. D., Franklin, J., & Aravinthan, A. D. (2023). Outcomes of National Survey of the Practice of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Surveillance. Journal of Hepatocellular Carcinoma, 10, 725-731.

Background & Aim:

HCC has significantly improved outcomes when detected early. Guidelines recommend biannual surveillance with ultrasound (US) and/or AFP in at-risk individuals. This survey aimed to describe HCC surveillance adherence/practices a... Read More about Outcomes of National Survey of the Practice of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Surveillance.

Next-generation sequencing of pancreatic cyst wall specimens obtained using Moray micro-forceps for improving diagnostic accuracy (2023)
Preprint / Working Paper
Astbury, S., Baskar, A., Grove, J. I., Kaye, P., Aravinthan, A. D., James, M. W., Clarke, C., Aithal, G. P., & Venkatachalapathy, S. V. Next-generation sequencing of pancreatic cyst wall specimens obtained using Moray micro-forceps for improving diagnostic accuracy

Background and study aims Pancreatic cysts are common incidental findings, with an estimated prevalence of 13-15% in imaging done for other reasons. It is difficult to identify cysts with malignant potential. Diagnosis often relies on collection of c... Read More about Next-generation sequencing of pancreatic cyst wall specimens obtained using Moray micro-forceps for improving diagnostic accuracy.