1955 Multimodal critical discourse analysis of current representations of hearing loss in the UK news media
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fawcett-Jones, S., Heffernan, E., Putland, E., Broome, E., Burgon, C., Janani, A., Dening, T., Straus, J., & Henshaw, H. (2023, November). 1955 Multimodal critical discourse analysis of current representations of hearing loss in the UK news media. Presented at British Geriatrics Society Autumn Meeting 2023, Birmingham, UK
Outputs (5)
When Hearing Loss Co-occurs with Dementia: Challenges and Opportunities in Diagnosis and Management (2023)
Book Chapter
Broome, E., Burgon, C., Heffernan, E., Dening, T., Calvert, S., Rajasingam, S., & Henshaw, H. (2023). When Hearing Loss Co-occurs with Dementia: Challenges and Opportunities in Diagnosis and Management. In A. Ciorba, & S. Hatzopoulos (Eds.), Updates on Hearing Loss and its Rehabilitation (1-27). InTech. https://doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.1003179Both dementia and hearing loss are highly prevalent in older adults and often coexist, increasing the complexity of diagnosis and management of both conditions. As the population ages, an increasing number of people will experience both long-term con... Read More about When Hearing Loss Co-occurs with Dementia: Challenges and Opportunities in Diagnosis and Management.
New horizons in hearing conditions (2023)
Journal Article
Henshaw, H., Calvert, S., Heffernan, E., Broome, E. E., Fackrell, K., Dening, T., & Burgon, C. (2023). New horizons in hearing conditions. Age and Ageing, 52(8), Article afad150. https://doi.org/10.1093/ageing/afad150Hearing conditions such as hearing loss, tinnitus and hyperacusis are highly prevalent in the population and can severely impact communication and quality of life. Hearing is affected by multiple factors, including heredity, noise exposure, age, sex,... Read More about New horizons in hearing conditions.
1615 Recommendations for the assessment and management of co-existing dementia and hearing loss within UK audiology services (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Langdon, A., Heffernan, E., Somerset, S., Calvert, S., Broome, E., Dening, T., & Henshaw, H. (2024, May). 1615 Recommendations for the assessment and management of co-existing dementia and hearing loss within UK audiology services. Presented at British Geriatrics Society Spring Meeting 2024, Birmingham, UK
Patient perceptions of cognitive screening in adult audiology services: A qualitative exploration (2023)
Journal Article
Broome, E. E., Tannirandorn, P., Straus, J., Beale, P., Heffernan, E., Dening, T., & Henshaw, H. (2023). Patient perceptions of cognitive screening in adult audiology services: A qualitative exploration. Frontiers in Neurology, 14, Article 1143128. https://doi.org/10.3389/fneur.2023.1143128Introduction: Both hearing loss and dementia are extremely pervasive, especially amongst older adults. As hearing loss and dementia have common symptoms, misdiagnosis can be common, and failure to address hearing loss for people with dementia could a... Read More about Patient perceptions of cognitive screening in adult audiology services: A qualitative exploration.