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Outputs (359)

The WWHIDE Framework (Web-based Workforce Health Intervention Development and Evaluation): developing a guide for workplace web-based trials (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Blake, H., Chaplin, W., Hassard, J., & Thomson, L. (2024, September). The WWHIDE Framework (Web-based Workforce Health Intervention Development and Evaluation): developing a guide for workplace web-based trials. Poster presented at 7th International Clinical Trials Methodology Conference (ICTMC) 2024, Edinburgh, Scotland

Occupational support following Arthroplasty of the lower limb (OPAL): trial protocol for a UK wide phase III randomised controlled trial (2024)
Journal Article
Sheehan, L., Woodward, A., Adamson, J., Archer, M., Drummond, A., Hewison, A., Jordan, C., Keding, A., Kottam, L., Madan, I., Martland, M., McDaid, C., McDonald, D. A., Parkinson, G., Reed, M., Sinclair, L., Smith, T. O., Thomson, L., Watkins, L., Wu, Q., & Baker, P. (in press). Occupational support following Arthroplasty of the lower limb (OPAL): trial protocol for a UK wide phase III randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open,

In the UK, one in four patients are in work at the time of their hip or knee replacement surgery. These patients receive little support about their return to work (RTW). There is a need for an occupational support intervention that encour... Read More about Occupational support following Arthroplasty of the lower limb (OPAL): trial protocol for a UK wide phase III randomised controlled trial.

Line manager training in mental health and presenteeism: a secondary data analysis of organisational-level data (2024)
Journal Article
Dulal-Arthur, T., Hassard, J., Bourke, J., Wishart, M., Bartle, C., Roper, S., Belt, V., Leka, S., Pahl, N., Thomson, L., & Blake, H. (in press). Line manager training in mental health and presenteeism: a secondary data analysis of organisational-level data. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology,

Presenteeism (working while ill) due to mental ill-health is estimated to be one of the largest economic costs to employers. We seek to investigate the relationship between line manager training in mental health (MH) and presenteeism trends at work.... Read More about Line manager training in mental health and presenteeism: a secondary data analysis of organisational-level data.

Exploring the Unmet Needs of Teachers of Young Children with ADHD Symptoms: A Qualitative Study (2024)
Journal Article
Aldabbagh, R., Daley, D., Sayal, K., & Glazebrook, C. (2024). Exploring the Unmet Needs of Teachers of Young Children with ADHD Symptoms: A Qualitative Study. Children, 11(9), Article 1053.

Background/Objectives: Children with Attention and Hyperactivity Deficit Disorder (ADHD) and those at risk of ADHD typically exhibit challenging behaviours that may disrupt the classroom environment and be frustrating for teachers. This study aimed t... Read More about Exploring the Unmet Needs of Teachers of Young Children with ADHD Symptoms: A Qualitative Study.

A qualitative study exploring how vocational rehabilitation for people with multiple sclerosis can be integrated within existing healthcare services in the United Kingdom (2024)
Journal Article
De Dios Perez, B., Booth, V., das Nair, R., Evangelou, N., Hassard, J., Ford, H. L., Newsome, I., & Radford, K. (2024). A qualitative study exploring how vocational rehabilitation for people with multiple sclerosis can be integrated within existing healthcare services in the United Kingdom. BMC Health Services Research, 24, Article 995.

To explore how a vocational rehabilitation (VR) intervention can be integrated within existing healthcare services for people with multiple sclerosis (MS) in the United Kingdom (UK) National Health Service (NHS).

Data from 37... Read More about A qualitative study exploring how vocational rehabilitation for people with multiple sclerosis can be integrated within existing healthcare services in the United Kingdom.

Comorbidities and Angiogenic Regulators Affect Endothelial Progenitor Cell Subtype Numbers in a Healthy Volunteer Control Group (2024)
Journal Article
Rakkar, K., Kadir, R. R. A., Othman, O. A., Sprigg, N., Bath, P. M., & Bayraktutan, U. (2024). Comorbidities and Angiogenic Regulators Affect Endothelial Progenitor Cell Subtype Numbers in a Healthy Volunteer Control Group. Stem Cell Reviews and Reports,

Endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) are stem cells that can repair injured blood vessels through neovascularisation. This is achieved through secretion of growth factors and endothelial maturation. EPC numbers and function have been studied to determ... Read More about Comorbidities and Angiogenic Regulators Affect Endothelial Progenitor Cell Subtype Numbers in a Healthy Volunteer Control Group.

Development of a Best Practice Guidance on Online Peer Support for People with Young-Onset Dementia (2024)
Journal Article
Loseto-Gerritzen, E. V., McDermott, O., & Orrell, M. (2024). Development of a Best Practice Guidance on Online Peer Support for People with Young-Onset Dementia. Behavioral Sciences, 14(9), Article 746.

This work aimed to develop a Best Practice Guidance on online peer support for people with young-onset dementia (YOD). The Best Practice Guidance was developed through a systematic literature review, focus groups, an online survey, and interviews and... Read More about Development of a Best Practice Guidance on Online Peer Support for People with Young-Onset Dementia.

Outcome 1 year after ICH: Data from the Tranexamic acid for IntraCerebral Haemorrhage 2 (TICH-2) trial (2024)
Journal Article
Law, Z. K., Menon, C. S., Woodhouse, L. J., Appleton, J. P., Al-Shahi Salman, R., Robinson, T., Werring, D., Roffe, C., Dineen, R. A., Bath, P. M., & Sprigg, N. (2024). Outcome 1 year after ICH: Data from the Tranexamic acid for IntraCerebral Haemorrhage 2 (TICH-2) trial. European Stroke Journal,

The Tranexamic acid for IntraCerebral Haemorrhage-2 (TICH-2) trial reported no significant improvement in death and dependency at day 90 despite reductions in haematoma expansion, early neurological deterioration and early death. Howev... Read More about Outcome 1 year after ICH: Data from the Tranexamic acid for IntraCerebral Haemorrhage 2 (TICH-2) trial.

Creating a health informatics data resource for hearing health research (2024)
Journal Article
Mehta, N., Ribeyre, B. B., Dimitrov, L., English, L. J., Ewart, C., Heinrich, A., Joshi, N., Munro, K. J., Roadknight, G., Romao, L., Schilder, A. G., Spriggs, R. V., Norris, R., Ross, T., & Tilston, G. (2024). Creating a health informatics data resource for hearing health research. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 24(1), Article 209.

The National Institute of Health and Social Care Research (NIHR) Health Informatics Collaborative (HIC) for Hearing Health has been established in the UK to curate routinely collected hearing health data to address research questions. Thi... Read More about Creating a health informatics data resource for hearing health research.

Manager–Team (Dis)agreement on Stress-Preventive Behaviours: Relationship with Psychosocial Work Environment and Employees’ Well-Being (2024)
Journal Article
Toderi, S., Cioffi, G., Yarker, J., Lewis, R., Houdmont, J., & Balducci, C. (2024). Manager–Team (Dis)agreement on Stress-Preventive Behaviours: Relationship with Psychosocial Work Environment and Employees’ Well-Being. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 21(8), Article 989.

The “Management Competencies to Prevent and Reduce Stress at Work” (MCPARS) approach focuses on identifying the stress-preventive managers’ competencies able to optimise the employees’ well-being through the management of the psychosocial work enviro... Read More about Manager–Team (Dis)agreement on Stress-Preventive Behaviours: Relationship with Psychosocial Work Environment and Employees’ Well-Being.