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Outputs (3)

Damage related material constants in continuum damage mechanics for unidirectional composites with matrix cracks (2018)
Journal Article
Li, S., Wang, M., Jeanmeure, L., Sitnikova, E., Yu, F., Pan, Q., Zhou, C., & Talreja, R. (2019). Damage related material constants in continuum damage mechanics for unidirectional composites with matrix cracks. International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 28(5), 690-707.

Application of a continuum damage mechanics formulation rests on the ease with which the material constants involved in the formulation can be determined. For an initially linear elastic material, the changes in elastic constants induced by damage de... Read More about Damage related material constants in continuum damage mechanics for unidirectional composites with matrix cracks.

The unit cell method in predictions of thermal expansion properties of textile reinforced composites (2018)
Journal Article
Gou, J.-J., Gong, C.-L., Gu, L.-X., Li, S., & Tao, W.-Q. (2018). The unit cell method in predictions of thermal expansion properties of textile reinforced composites. Composite Structures, 195, 99-117.

Thermal expansion properties of textile reinforced composites with certain structure symmetries can be efficiently calculated by a size-limited unit cell. In this paper, a general approach is developed for the establishment of such a unit cell model.... Read More about The unit cell method in predictions of thermal expansion properties of textile reinforced composites.

A critical review on the rationality of popular failure criteria for composites (2018)
Journal Article
Li, S., & Sitnikova, E. (2018). A critical review on the rationality of popular failure criteria for composites.

Popular failure criteria for fibre reinforced composites are subjected to critical scrutiny on their rationality. The rationality of a theory is about the mathematical and physical logic underlying the theory, rather than the closeness of their resul... Read More about A critical review on the rationality of popular failure criteria for composites.