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Damage related material constants in continuum damage mechanics for unidirectional composites with matrix cracks

Li, Shuguang; Wang, Mingkun; Jeanmeure, Laurent; Sitnikova, Elena; Yu, Fei; Pan, Qing; Zhou, Chuwei; Talreja, Ramesh


Mingkun Wang

Laurent Jeanmeure

Fei Yu

Qing Pan

Chuwei Zhou

Ramesh Talreja


Application of a continuum damage mechanics formulation rests on the ease with which the material constants involved in the formulation can be determined. For an initially linear elastic material, the changes in elastic constants induced by damage depend on certain damage related material constants that are commonly determined by experiments in addition to those required to determine the initial properties. This additional experimental task can render the continuum damage mechanics theory less attractive. The present paper will only deal with those associated with damage representation. We propose here a procedure for analytically determining seven out of eight damage related material constants for unidirectional composites assumed initially transversely isotropic and containing a parallel array of matrix cracks along fibres. The remaining constant can be determined experimentally or by a numerical experiment proposed here for the purpose. The analytical expressions derived are in terms of initial elasticity constants of a unidirectional composite and are verified for their accuracy by numerical experiments. Since a unidirectional composite forms a building block in composite laminates, the results obtained here can be naturally used for damage in laminates.


Li, S., Wang, M., Jeanmeure, L., Sitnikova, E., Yu, F., Pan, Q., Zhou, C., & Talreja, R. (2019). Damage related material constants in continuum damage mechanics for unidirectional composites with matrix cracks. International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 28(5), 690-707.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jun 20, 2018
Online Publication Date Jun 20, 2018
Publication Date 2019-05
Deposit Date Aug 31, 2021
Journal International Journal of Damage Mechanics
Print ISSN 1056-7895
Electronic ISSN 1530-7921
Publisher SAGE Publications
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 28
Issue 5
Pages 690-707
Public URL
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