Roles, effects, and ramifications of in-person interactions in a digital team
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bonfitto, F., Fayon, G., Gallucci, A., Iorga, M.-B., Nigro, F., Pushparaj, N., Alqattan, Y., Sadhukhan, D., Rümmler, L., & Soulard, N. (2024, October). Roles, effects, and ramifications of in-person interactions in a digital team. Paper presented at 75th International Astronautical Congress, Milan, Italy
The democratisation of Agile and SAFe development approach in the IT sector following the social web deployment in the second half of the 2000's led in parallel to the emergence of the digital transformation concept. In order to ease the collaboratio... Read More about Roles, effects, and ramifications of in-person interactions in a digital team.