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Optimal Transfer Trajectories between Relative Quasi-Satellite Orbits

Pushparaj, Nishanth; Hiraiwa, Naoki; Bando, Mai


Naoki Hiraiwa

Mai Bando



Quasi-satellite orbits (QSOs) are stable retrograde orbits in the restricted three-body problem that have gained attention as a viable candidate for future deep-space missions towards remote planetary satellites. Several mission design proposal uses distant retrograde orbits (DROs) or quasi-satellite orbits (QSOs) as parking orbits around planetary satellites. One of the most significant challenges in this area is developing efficient transfer techniques between different orbits. In thispaper, we investigate the problem of optimal transfer between relative distant retrograde orbits around Moon using convex optimization techniques. This paper introduces the framework for designing low-thrust minimum-fuel transfer trajectories between relative QSOs around Moon through successive convex optimization and beam search methods. The optimal transfer methodology involves the formulation of a convex optimization problem, which incorporates the departure and arrival phases as optimization parameters. The optimization process seeks to determine the optimal position and velocity of the initial point on the departure QSO, the final point on the arrival QSO, the entire transfer trajectory, and the control inputs. A set of initial estimates is generated by selecting intermediate bifurcated QSO from a family of QSOs that are located between the departure and arrival QSOs, and these intermediate bifurcated QSOs guide the transfer trajectory. The choice of intermediate bifurcated QSOs plays a crucial role in obtaining the optimal solution. Therefore, the beam search algorithm is incorporated into the proposed framework to determine the optimal sequence and number of intermediate bifurcated QSOs. The transfer methodology and analysis presented in this paper can be extended for optimal transfer opportunities between retrograde orbits around any planetary satellites in the solar system.


Pushparaj, N., Hiraiwa, N., & Bando, M. (2023, October). Optimal Transfer Trajectories between Relative Quasi-Satellite Orbits. Presented at 74th International Astronautical Congress, Baku, Azerbaijan

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name 74th International Astronautical Congress
Start Date Oct 2, 2023
End Date Oct 6, 2023
Acceptance Date Sep 15, 2023
Publication Date Oct 30, 2023
Deposit Date Nov 1, 2023
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Additional Information Paper originally presented at the 74th International Astronautical Congress, 2-6 October 2023, Baku, Azerbaijan.
