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Outputs (8)

Evolution of carbon nanotubes and their metallurgical reactions in Al-based composites in response to laser irradiation during selective laser melting (2019)
Journal Article
Aboulkhair, N. T., Simonelli, M., Salama, E., Rance, G., Neate, N. C., Tuck, C. J., Esawi, A. M., & Hague, R. J. (2019). Evolution of carbon nanotubes and their metallurgical reactions in Al-based composites in response to laser irradiation during selective laser melting. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 765, Article 138307.

Aluminium-based composites reinforced with carbon nanotubes are widely sought for their outstanding metallurgical and structural properties that largely depend on the manufacturing route. In this work, the process-structure-property relationship for... Read More about Evolution of carbon nanotubes and their metallurgical reactions in Al-based composites in response to laser irradiation during selective laser melting.

Multifunctional Bioinstructive 3D Architectures to Modulate Cellular Behavior (2019)
Journal Article
Vaithilingam, J., Sanjuan‐Alberte, P., Campora, S., Rance, G. A., Jiang, L., Thorpe, J., Burroughs, L., Tuck, C. J., Denning, C., Wildman, R. D., Hague, R. J. M., Alexander, M. R., & Rawson, F. J. (2019). Multifunctional Bioinstructive 3D Architectures to Modulate Cellular Behavior. Advanced Functional Materials, 29(38), Article 1902016.

Biological structures control cell behavior via physical, chemical, electrical, and mechanical cues. Approaches that allow us to build devices that mimic these cues in a combinatorial way are lacking due to there being no suitable instructive materia... Read More about Multifunctional Bioinstructive 3D Architectures to Modulate Cellular Behavior.

The effect of MgO/TiO2 on structural and crystallization behavior of near invert phosphate-based glasses (2019)
Journal Article
Islam, M. T., Sharmin, N., Rance, G. A., Titman, J. J., Parsons, A. J., Hossain, K. M. Z., & Ahmed, I. (2020). The effect of MgO/TiO2 on structural and crystallization behavior of near invert phosphate-based glasses. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials, 108(3), 674-686.

Varying formulations in the glass system of 40P2O5─(24 − x)MgO─(16 + x)CaO─(20 − y)Na2O─yTiO2 (where 0 ≤ x ≤ 22 and y = 0 or 1) were prepared via melt-quenching. The structure of the glasses was confirmed by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform... Read More about The effect of MgO/TiO2 on structural and crystallization behavior of near invert phosphate-based glasses.

Direct synthesis of multiplexed metal nanowire based devices using carbon nanotubes as vector templates (2019)
Journal Article
Clément, P., Xu, X., Stoppiello, C. T., Rance, G. A., Attanzio, A., O’Shea, J. N., Temperton, R. H., Khlobystov, A. N., Lovelock, K. R. J., Seymour, J. M., Fogarty, R. M., Baker, A., Bourne, R. A., Hall, B., Chamberlain, T. W., & Palma, M. (2019). Direct synthesis of multiplexed metal nanowire based devices using carbon nanotubes as vector templates. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 58(29), 9928-9932.

We present the synthesis of metal nanowires in a multiplexed device configuration using single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) as nanoscale vector templates. The SWNT templates control the dimensionality of the wires, allowing precise control of thei... Read More about Direct synthesis of multiplexed metal nanowire based devices using carbon nanotubes as vector templates.

Water-Based 3D Inkjet Printing of an Oral Pharmaceutical Dosage Form (2019)
Journal Article
Cader, H. K., Rance, G. A., Alexander, M. R., Gonçalves, A. D., Roberts, C. J., Tuck, C. J., & Wildman, R. D. (2019). Water-Based 3D Inkjet Printing of an Oral Pharmaceutical Dosage Form. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 564, 359-368.

Inkjet printing is a form of additive manufacturing where liquid droplets are selectively deposited onto a substrate followed by solidification. The process provides significant potential advantages for producing solid oral dosage forms or tablets, i... Read More about Water-Based 3D Inkjet Printing of an Oral Pharmaceutical Dosage Form.

Soot in the Lubricating Oil: An Overlooked Concern for the Gasoline Direct Injection Engine? (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Pfau, S. A., La Rocca, A., Haffner-Staton, E., Rance, G. A., Fay, M. W., & McGhee, M. Soot in the Lubricating Oil: An Overlooked Concern for the Gasoline Direct Injection Engine?. Presented at WCX SAE World Congress Experience, Detroit, USA

Formation of soot is a known phenomenon for diesel engines, however, only recently emerged for gasoline engines with the introduction of direct injection systems. Soot-in-oil samples from a three-cylinder turbo-charged gasoline direct injection (GDI)... Read More about Soot in the Lubricating Oil: An Overlooked Concern for the Gasoline Direct Injection Engine?.

A low-friction graphene nanoplatelets film from suspension high velocity oxy-fuel thermal spray (2019)
Journal Article
Venturi, F., Rance, G. A., Thomas, J., & Hussain, T. (2019). A low-friction graphene nanoplatelets film from suspension high velocity oxy-fuel thermal spray. AIP Advances, 9(2), 025216.

The addition of graphene-based nanomaterials is known to improve the tribology properties of materials by lowering the coefficient of friction and reducing wear. The covering of small areas with thin graphene-based films is routinely carried out; how... Read More about A low-friction graphene nanoplatelets film from suspension high velocity oxy-fuel thermal spray.

Steric and electronic control of 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reactions in carbon nanotube nanoreactors (2019)
Journal Article
Miners, S. A., Fay, M. W., Baldoni, M., Besley, E., Khlobystov, A. N., & Rance, G. A. (2019). Steric and electronic control of 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reactions in carbon nanotube nanoreactors. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123(10), 6294-6302.

The use of single-walled carbon nanotubes as effective nanoreactors for preparative bimolecular reactions has been demonstrated for the first time. We show that the extreme spatial confinement of guest reactant molecules inside host carbon nanotubes... Read More about Steric and electronic control of 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reactions in carbon nanotube nanoreactors.