Evolution of carbon nanotubes and their metallurgical reactions in Al-based composites in response to laser irradiation during selective laser melting
Journal Article
Aboulkhair, N. T., Simonelli, M., Salama, E., Rance, G., Neate, N. C., Tuck, C. J., Esawi, A. M., & Hague, R. J. (2019). Evolution of carbon nanotubes and their metallurgical reactions in Al-based composites in response to laser irradiation during selective laser melting. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 765, Article 138307. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2019.138307
Aluminium-based composites reinforced with carbon nanotubes are widely sought for their outstanding metallurgical and structural properties that largely depend on the manufacturing route. In this work, the process-structure-property relationship for... Read More about Evolution of carbon nanotubes and their metallurgical reactions in Al-based composites in response to laser irradiation during selective laser melting.