Revealing the nature of morphological changes in carbon nanotube-polymer saturable absorber under high-power laser irradiation
Journal Article
Chernysheva, M., Al Alraimi, M., Rance, G. A., Weston, N. J., Shi, B., Saied, S., Sullivan, J. L., Marsh, N., & Rozhin, A. (2018). Revealing the nature of morphological changes in carbon nanotube-polymer saturable absorber under high-power laser irradiation. Scientific Reports, 8,
Composites of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) and water-soluble polymers (WSP) are the focus of significant worldwide research due to a number of applications in biotechnology and photonics, particularly for ultrashort pulse generation. Despit... Read More about Revealing the nature of morphological changes in carbon nanotube-polymer saturable absorber under high-power laser irradiation.