Finding Comfortable Routes for Ambulance Transfers of Newborn Infants
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Partridge, T. J., Morris, D. E., Light, R. A., Leslie, A., Sharkey, D., Crowe, J. A., & McNally, D. S. (2020, July). Finding Comfortable Routes for Ambulance Transfers of Newborn Infants. Presented at 2020 42nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC) in conjunction with the 43rd Annual Conference of the Canadian Medical and Biological Engineering Society, Montreal, QC, Canada
Early inter-hospital ambulance transport of premature babies is associated with more severe brain injury. The mechanism is unclear, but they are exposed to excessive noise and vibration. Smart-routing may help minimise these exposure levels and poten... Read More about Finding Comfortable Routes for Ambulance Transfers of Newborn Infants.