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Outputs (107)

Sub‐annual moraine formation at an active temperate Icelandic glacier (2020)
Journal Article
Chandler, B. M., Chandler, S. J., Evans, D. J., Ewertowski, M. W., Lovell, H., Roberts, D. H., Schaefer, M., & Tomczyk, A. M. (2020). Sub‐annual moraine formation at an active temperate Icelandic glacier. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 45(7), 1622-1643.

This paper presents detailed geomorphological and sedimentological investigations of small recessional moraines at Fjallsjökull, an active temperate outlet of Öræfajökull, southeast Iceland. The moraines are characterized by striking sawtooth or hair... Read More about Sub‐annual moraine formation at an active temperate Icelandic glacier.

Characterising the geomorphological and physicochemical effects of water injection dredging on estuarine systems (2020)
Journal Article
Pledger, A., Johnson, M., Brewin, P., Phillips, J., Martin, S., & Yu, D. (2020). Characterising the geomorphological and physicochemical effects of water injection dredging on estuarine systems. Journal of Environmental Management, 261, Article 110259.

Dredging is a globally important aquatic system management activity, used for navigation improvement, contamination removal, aggregate production and/or flood risk mitigation. Despite widespread application, understanding of the environmental effects... Read More about Characterising the geomorphological and physicochemical effects of water injection dredging on estuarine systems.

Diatom-based water-table reconstruction in Sphagnum peatlands of northeastern China (2020)
Journal Article
Chen, X., McGowan, S., Bu, Z.-J., Yang, X.-D., Cao, Y.-M., Bai, X., Zeng, L.-H., Liang, J., & Qiao, Q.-L. (2020). Diatom-based water-table reconstruction in Sphagnum peatlands of northeastern China. Water Research, 174, 115648.

Peatlands are important ecosystems for biodiversity conservation, global carbon cycling and water storage. Hydrological changes due to climate variability have accelerated the degradation of global and regional ecosystem services of peatlands. Diatom... Read More about Diatom-based water-table reconstruction in Sphagnum peatlands of northeastern China.

Drivers of future urban flood risk (2020)
Journal Article
O'Donnell, E. C., & Thorne, C. R. (2020). Drivers of future urban flood risk. Philosophical Transactions A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 378(2168),

Managing urban flood risk is a key global challenge of the 21st Century. Drivers of future UK flood risk were identified and assessed by the Flood Foresight project in 2002-04 and 2008; envisaging flood risk during the 2050s and 2080s under a range o... Read More about Drivers of future urban flood risk.

Developing the implicit association test to uncover hidden preferences for sustainable drainage systems (2020)
Journal Article
O'Donnell, E., Maskrey, S., Everett, G., & Lamond, J. (2020). Developing the implicit association test to uncover hidden preferences for sustainable drainage systems. Philosophical Transactions A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 378(2168),

Understanding public perceptions of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) is critical for addressing barriers to their implementation. Perceptions are typically evaluated using explicit measures (e.g. questionnaires) that are subject to biases and may... Read More about Developing the implicit association test to uncover hidden preferences for sustainable drainage systems.

Community perception, adaptation and resilience to extreme weather in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico (2020)
Journal Article
Metcalfe, S. E., Schmook, B., De la Barreda-Bautista, B., Endfield, G., Mardero, S., Manzon Che, M., Medina Gonzalez, R., Munguia Gil, T., Navarro Olmedo, S., Perea, A., & Boyd, D. S. (2020). Community perception, adaptation and resilience to extreme weather in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. Regional Environmental Change, 20(1), Article 25.

© 2020, The Author(s). Perceptions of climate change, the impacts of and responses to climatic variability and extreme weather are explored in three communities in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, in relation to livelihood resilience. These communities... Read More about Community perception, adaptation and resilience to extreme weather in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico.

An evaluation of different forest cover geospatial data for riparian shading and river temperature modelling (2020)
Journal Article
Dugdale, S. J., Hannah, D. M., & Malcolm, I. A. (2020). An evaluation of different forest cover geospatial data for riparian shading and river temperature modelling. River Research and Applications, 36(5), 709-723.

Riparian tree planting is increasingly being used as a strategy to shade river corridors and offset the impact of climate change on river temperature. Because the circumstances under which tree planting generates the greatest impact are still largely... Read More about An evaluation of different forest cover geospatial data for riparian shading and river temperature modelling.

Leverage points for sustainability transformation: a review on interventions in food and energy systems (2020)
Journal Article
Riechers, M., Dorninger, C., Abson, D. J., Apetrei, C. I., Derwort, P., Ives, C. D., Klaniecki, K., Lam, D. P., Langsenlehner, M., Spittler, N., & von Wehrden, H. (2020). Leverage points for sustainability transformation: a review on interventions in food and energy systems. Ecological Economics, 171, 106570.

© 2019 Elsevier B.V. There is increasing recognition that sustainability science should be solutions orientated and that such solutions will often require transformative change. However, the concrete sustainability interventions are often not clearly... Read More about Leverage points for sustainability transformation: a review on interventions in food and energy systems.

Understanding the co‐occurrence of tree loss and modern slavery to improve efficacy of conservation actions and policies (2020)
Journal Article
Jackson, B., Decker Sparks, J. L., Brown, C., & Boyd, D. S. (2020). Understanding the co‐occurrence of tree loss and modern slavery to improve efficacy of conservation actions and policies. Conservation Science and Practice, 2(5), Article e183.

Locations where populations are most reliant on forests and their ecosystem services for subsistence and development are also areas where modern slavery persists. These issues are noted within the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), both target 15.... Read More about Understanding the co‐occurrence of tree loss and modern slavery to improve efficacy of conservation actions and policies.

Supplementary material to The Iso2k Database: A global compilation of paleo-δ18O and δ2H records to aid understanding of Common Era climate (2020)
Konecky, B. L., McKay, N. P., Churakova (Sidorova), O. V., Comas-Bru, L., Dassié, E. P., DeLong, K. L., Falster, G. M., Fischer, M. J., Jones, M. D., Jonkers, L., Kaufman, D. S., Leduc, G., Managave, S. R., Martrat, B., Opel, T., Orsi, A. J., Partin, J. W., Sayani, H. R., Thomas, E. K., Thompson, D. M., …the Iso2k Project Members. (2020). Supplementary material to The Iso2k Database: A global compilation of paleo-δ18O and δ2H records to aid understanding of Common Era climate