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Outputs (32)

Spatio-Temporal Domains of Wildfire-Prone Teleconnection Patterns in the Western Mediterranean Basin (2021)
Journal Article
Rodrigues, M., Mariani, M., Russo, A., Salis, M., Galizia, L., & Cardil, A. (2021). Spatio-Temporal Domains of Wildfire-Prone Teleconnection Patterns in the Western Mediterranean Basin. Geophysical Research Letters, 48(19), Article e2021GL094238.

This work explores the main climate teleconnections influencing the Western Mediterranean Basin to outline homogeneous fire-prone weather domains combining cross-correlation time series and cluster analysis. We found a zonal effect of the Scandinavia... Read More about Spatio-Temporal Domains of Wildfire-Prone Teleconnection Patterns in the Western Mediterranean Basin.

Northward shift of the southern westerlies during the Antarctic Cold Reversal (2021)
Journal Article
Fletcher, M.-S., Pedro, J., Hall, T., Mariani, M., Joseph, A., Beck, K., Blaauw, M., Hodgson, D., Heijnis, H., Gadd, P., & Lise-Pronovost, A. (2021). Northward shift of the southern westerlies during the Antarctic Cold Reversal. Quaternary Science Reviews, 271, Article 107189.

Inter-hemispheric asynchrony of climate change through the last deglaciation has been theoretically linked to latitudinal shifts in the southern westerlies via their influence over CO2 out-gassing from the Southern Ocean. Proxy-based reconstructions... Read More about Northward shift of the southern westerlies during the Antarctic Cold Reversal.

Catastrophic bushfires, indigenous fire knowledge and reframing science in Southeast Australia (2021)
Journal Article
Fletcher, M. S., Romano, A., Connor, S., Mariani, M., & Yoshi Maezumi, S. (2021). Catastrophic bushfires, indigenous fire knowledge and reframing science in Southeast Australia. Fire, 4(3), Article 61.

The catastrophic 2019/2020 Black Summer bushfires were the worst fire season in the recorded history of Southeast Australia. These bushfires were one of several recent global conflagrations across landscapes that are homelands of Indigenous peoples,... Read More about Catastrophic bushfires, indigenous fire knowledge and reframing science in Southeast Australia.

Patterns of aeolian deposition in subtropical Australia through the last glacial and deglacial periods (2021)
Journal Article
Lewis, R. J., Tibby, J., Arnold, L. J., Gadd, P., Jacobsen, G., Barr, C., Negus, P. M., Mariani, M., Penny, D., Chittleborough, D., & Moss, E. (2021). Patterns of aeolian deposition in subtropical Australia through the last glacial and deglacial periods. Quaternary Research, 102, 68-90.

Debate about the nature of climate and the magnitude of ecological change across Australia during the last glacial maximum (LGM; 26.5-19 ka) persists despite considerable research into the late Pleistocene. This is partly due to a lack of detailed pa... Read More about Patterns of aeolian deposition in subtropical Australia through the last glacial and deglacial periods.

Long-term drivers of vegetation turnover in Southern Hemisphere temperate ecosystems (2020)
Journal Article
Adeleye, M. A., Mariani, M., Connor, S., Haberle, S. G., Herbert, A., Hopf, F., & Stevenson, J. (2021). Long-term drivers of vegetation turnover in Southern Hemisphere temperate ecosystems. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 30(2), 557-571.

© 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd Aim: Knowledge of the drivers of ecosystem changes in the past is key to understanding present ecosystem responses to changes in climate, fire regimes and anthropogenic impacts. Northern Hemisphere-focussed studies sugg... Read More about Long-term drivers of vegetation turnover in Southern Hemisphere temperate ecosystems.

The influence of natural fire and cultural practices on island ecosystems: Insights from a 4,800year record from Gran Canaria, Canary Islands (2020)
Journal Article
Ravazzi, C., Mariani, M., Criado, C., Garozzo, L., Naranjo-Cigala, A., Perez-Torrado, F. J., Pini, R., Rodriguez-Gonzalez, A., Nogué, S., Whittaker, R. J., María Fernández-Palacios, J., & de Nascimento, L. (2021). The influence of natural fire and cultural practices on island ecosystems: Insights from a 4,800year record from Gran Canaria, Canary Islands. Journal of Biogeography, 48(2), 276-290.

Aim: Long-term ecological data provide a stepped frame of island ecosystem transformation after successive waves of human colonization, essential to determine conservation and management baselines. However, the timing and ecological impact of initial... Read More about The influence of natural fire and cultural practices on island ecosystems: Insights from a 4,800year record from Gran Canaria, Canary Islands.

Colonialism and the environment: The pollution legacy of the Southern Hemisphere’s largest copper mine in the 20th century (2020)
Journal Article
Schneider, L., Shulmeister, N., Mariani, M., Beck, K., Fletcher, M., Zawadzki, A., Saunders, K. M., Aquino-López, M., & Haberle, S. G. (2022). Colonialism and the environment: The pollution legacy of the Southern Hemisphere’s largest copper mine in the 20th century. Anthropocene Review, 9(1), 3-23.

Mining has been a major contributor to economic development in Australia since British arrival in the late 1700s, with little to no thought about the long-term environmental consequences. This study assesses the metal pollution legacy caused by diffe... Read More about Colonialism and the environment: The pollution legacy of the Southern Hemisphere’s largest copper mine in the 20th century.

Pollen and plant diversity relationships in a Mediterranean montane area (2020)
Journal Article
Connor, S. E., van Leeuwen, J. F., (Pim) van der Knaap, W., Akindola, R. B., Adeleye, M. A., & Mariani, M. (2021). Pollen and plant diversity relationships in a Mediterranean montane area. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 30(5), 583-594.

Understanding the significance of pollen diversity is key to reconstructing plant diversity over long timescales. Here we present quantitative pollen–plant diversity comparisons for a mountainous area of the Western Mediterranean region. Samples wer... Read More about Pollen and plant diversity relationships in a Mediterranean montane area.

Background concentrations of mercury in Australian freshwater sediments: The effect of catchment characteristics on mercury deposition (2020)
Journal Article
Lintern, A., Schneider, L., Beck, K., Mariani, M., Fletcher, M., Gell, P., & Haberle, S. (2020). Background concentrations of mercury in Australian freshwater sediments: The effect of catchment characteristics on mercury deposition. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, 8(1), Article 019.

Waterways in the Australian continent are facing increasing levels of mercury contamination due to industrialisation, agricultural intensification, energy production, urbanisation and mining. Mercury contamination undermines the use of waterways as a... Read More about Background concentrations of mercury in Australian freshwater sediments: The effect of catchment characteristics on mercury deposition.

Coupled effects of climate teleconnections on drought, Santa Ana winds and wildfires in southern California (2020)
Journal Article
Cardil, A., Rodrigues, M., Ramirez, J., de-Miguel, S., Silva, C. A., Mariani, M., & Ascoli, D. (2021). Coupled effects of climate teleconnections on drought, Santa Ana winds and wildfires in southern California. Science of the Total Environment, 765, Article 142788.

Projections of future climate change impacts suggest an increase of wildfire activity in Mediterranean ecosystems, such as southern California. This region is a wildfire hotspot and fire managers are under increasingly high pressures to minimize soci... Read More about Coupled effects of climate teleconnections on drought, Santa Ana winds and wildfires in southern California.