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Outputs (232)

Signals of Hotel Effort on Enhancing IAQ and Booking Intention: Effect of Customer's Body Mass Index Associated with Sustainable Marketing in Tourism (2021)
Journal Article
Sun, B., Liu, L. Y., Chan, W. W., Zhang, C. X., & Chen, X. (2021). Signals of Hotel Effort on Enhancing IAQ and Booking Intention: Effect of Customer's Body Mass Index Associated with Sustainable Marketing in Tourism. Sustainability, 13(3), Article 1279.

Since outdoor air pollutants may penetrate into hotels, indoor air quality (IAQ) has recently developed as an important criterion for tourists' decision to choose traveling destinations and for business travelers to select accommodation. Thus, some h... Read More about Signals of Hotel Effort on Enhancing IAQ and Booking Intention: Effect of Customer's Body Mass Index Associated with Sustainable Marketing in Tourism.

Intraday time series momentum: Global evidence and links to market characteristics (2021)
Journal Article
Li, Z., Sakkas, A., & Urquhart, A. (2022). Intraday time series momentum: Global evidence and links to market characteristics. Journal of Financial Markets, 57, Article 100619.

We examine intraday time series momentum (ITSM) in an international setting by employing high-frequency data of 16 developed markets. We show that ITSM is economically sizable and statistically significant both in-and out-of-sample in most countries.... Read More about Intraday time series momentum: Global evidence and links to market characteristics.

Parents and children during the COVID-19 quarantine process: Experiences from Turkey and China (2021)
Journal Article
Toran, M., Sak, R., Xu, Y., Şahin-Sak, İ. T., & Yu, Y. (2021). Parents and children during the COVID-19 quarantine process: Experiences from Turkey and China. Journal of Early Childhood Research, 19(1), 21-39.

This paper reports Turkish and Chinese parents’ experiences with their 3–6 year-old children during the COVID-19 quarantine process. Thirteen Turkish and 11 Chinese parents participated in a study that employed semi-structured interviews to examine p... Read More about Parents and children during the COVID-19 quarantine process: Experiences from Turkey and China.

Vocational rehabilitation to enhance return to work after trauma (ROWTATE): protocol for a non-randomised single-arm mixed-methods feasibility study (2021)
Journal Article
Kendrick, D., das Nair, R., Kellezi, B., Morriss, R., Kettlewell, J., Holmes, J., Timmons, S., Bridger, K., Patel, P., Brooks, A., Hoffman, K., & Radford, K. (2021). Vocational rehabilitation to enhance return to work after trauma (ROWTATE): protocol for a non-randomised single-arm mixed-methods feasibility study. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 7(1), Article 29.

Traumatic injuries are common amongst working age adults. Survivors often experience physical and psychological problems, reduced quality of life and difficulty returning to work. Vocational rehabilitation improves work outcomes for a ran... Read More about Vocational rehabilitation to enhance return to work after trauma (ROWTATE): protocol for a non-randomised single-arm mixed-methods feasibility study.

Institutional form versus function in a common property context: The credibility thesis tested through an agent-based model (2021)
Journal Article
Ghorbani, A., Ho, P., & Bravo, G. (2021). Institutional form versus function in a common property context: The credibility thesis tested through an agent-based model. Land Use Policy, 102, Article 105237.

Institutional Form versus Function in a Common Property Context: The credibility thesis tested through an Agent-based Model Abstract A key debate in the study on land, housing and natural resources revolves around the notion that general institutiona... Read More about Institutional form versus function in a common property context: The credibility thesis tested through an agent-based model.

Social Eating Initiatives and the Practices of Commensality (2021)
Journal Article
Smith, M., & Harvey, J. (2021). Social Eating Initiatives and the Practices of Commensality. Appetite, 161, Article 105107.

Social eating initiatives are a mode of food provisioning and eating that have become increasingly popular in the UK. These organisations provide a menu of low-cost meals prepared using food surpluses and deliberately serve food communally to improve... Read More about Social Eating Initiatives and the Practices of Commensality.

Using a comprehensive audit to identify local context prior to care bundle design and implementation for inadvertent perioperative hypothermia in colorectal surgery (2021)
Journal Article
Tanner, J., Timmons, S., Bayston, R., Adams, K., & Baxendale, B. (2021). Using a comprehensive audit to identify local context prior to care bundle design and implementation for inadvertent perioperative hypothermia in colorectal surgery. BMJ Open Quality, 10(1), Article e001132.

© Background The first step in bundle design or implementation is to identify the problem being addressed. Several validated approaches are recommended to facilitate this. These include using systematic reviews, adverse event triggers and risk asses... Read More about Using a comprehensive audit to identify local context prior to care bundle design and implementation for inadvertent perioperative hypothermia in colorectal surgery.

Post-postmodern consumer authenticity, shantay you stay or sashay away? A netnography of RuPaul's Drag Race fans (2021)
Journal Article
Canavan, B. (2021). Post-postmodern consumer authenticity, shantay you stay or sashay away? A netnography of RuPaul's Drag Race fans. Marketing Theory, 21(2), 251-276.

Consumer negotiation of authenticity is explored through a netnography of online fans of the reality television series RuPaul’s Drag Race. Suggestion is of a post-postmodern approach to negotiating the authenticity of series narratives consumed, asso... Read More about Post-postmodern consumer authenticity, shantay you stay or sashay away? A netnography of RuPaul's Drag Race fans.

Xenophobia, the unconscious, the public sphere and Brexit (2021)
Journal Article
Starkey, K., Holstein, J., & Tempest, S. (2021). Xenophobia, the unconscious, the public sphere and Brexit. European Management Review, 18(1), 25-35.

We examine xenophobia from the perspective of the unconscious of individuals, groups and nations, emphasizing the role of fantasy, and arguing that some leaders use xenophobic discourse to exploit fantasies arising from emotions such as anxiety, fear... Read More about Xenophobia, the unconscious, the public sphere and Brexit.