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Outputs (3)

Impact of charged ionic species (NaCl and KCl) on the generation of color and volatile aroma compounds during caramelization (2022)
Journal Article
XU, S., LIU, Y., MU, X., CHEN, H., TAO, G., SUN, Z., YANG, N., MA, F., & FISK, I. D. (2023). Impact of charged ionic species (NaCl and KCl) on the generation of color and volatile aroma compounds during caramelization. Food Science and Technology, 43, Article e97622.

During the process of caramelization, volatile and non-volatile flavor and color are generated via the degradation of carbohydrates. This research investigated the effect of the types and concentrations of salts including NaCl and KCl on the generati... Read More about Impact of charged ionic species (NaCl and KCl) on the generation of color and volatile aroma compounds during caramelization.

Impact of agro-forestry systems on the aroma generation of coffee beans (2022)
Journal Article
Xu, S., Liu, Y., Ma, F., Yang, N., Virginio Filho, E. D. M., & Fisk, I. D. (2022). Impact of agro-forestry systems on the aroma generation of coffee beans. Frontiers in Nutrition, 9, Article 968783.

A long experiment has been established since 2000 at CATIE (Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center), Turrialba, Costa Rica. Twenty agro-forestry systems with different shade types and managements (organic and non-organic) consisti... Read More about Impact of agro-forestry systems on the aroma generation of coffee beans.

The role of capsaicin stimulation on the physicochemical properties of saliva and aroma release in model aqueous and oil systems (2022)
Journal Article
Hu, X., Ayed, C., Chen, J., Fisk, I., & Yang, N. (2022). The role of capsaicin stimulation on the physicochemical properties of saliva and aroma release in model aqueous and oil systems. Food Chemistry, 386(132824),

Capsaicin increases saliva production, but the impact of this additional saliva on the food matrix is unknown. This study aimed to explain the impact of capsaicin on saliva properties and in-vivo release of 14 aroma compounds in aqueous [aqu] and oil... Read More about The role of capsaicin stimulation on the physicochemical properties of saliva and aroma release in model aqueous and oil systems.