Bayesian Mapping of the Striatal Microcircuit Reveals Robust Asymmetries in the Probabilities and Distances of Connections
Journal Article
Cinotti, F., & Humphries, M. D. (2022). Bayesian Mapping of the Striatal Microcircuit Reveals Robust Asymmetries in the Probabilities and Distances of Connections. Journal of Neuroscience, 42(8), 1417-1435.
The striatum’s complex microcircuit is made by connections within and between its D1- and D2-receptor expressing projection neurons and at least five species of interneuron. Precise knowledge of this circuit is likely essential to understanding stria... Read More about Bayesian Mapping of the Striatal Microcircuit Reveals Robust Asymmetries in the Probabilities and Distances of Connections.