Galaxy Cluster Mass Reconstruction Project: III. The impact of dynamical substructure on cluster mass estimates
Journal Article
Old, L., Wojtak, R., Pearce, F., Gray, M., Mamon, G., Sifón, C., Tempel, E., Biviano, A., Yee, H., de Carvalho, R., Müller, V., Sepp, T., Skibba, R., Croton, D., Bamford, S., Power, C., von der Linden, A., & Saro, A. (2018). Galaxy Cluster Mass Reconstruction Project: III. The impact of dynamical substructure on cluster mass estimates. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 475(1),
With the advent of wide-field cosmological surveys, we are approaching samples of hundreds of thousands of galaxy clusters. While such large numbers will help reduce statistical uncertainties, the control of systematics in cluster masses is crucial.... Read More about Galaxy Cluster Mass Reconstruction Project: III. The impact of dynamical substructure on cluster mass estimates.