Polariton-induced transparency in multiple quantum wells probed by time domain Brillouin scattering
Journal Article
Karzel, M., Samusev, A. K., Linnik, T. L., Littmann, M., Reuter, D., Bayer, M., Scherbakov, A. V., & Akimov, A. V. (2024). Polariton-induced transparency in multiple quantum wells probed by time domain Brillouin scattering. ACS Photonics, 11(12), 5147-5154. https://doi.org/10.1021/acsphotonics.4c01357
The interference of the incident light reflected from the surface of a medium and from a picosecond strain pulse propagating through it results in temporal oscillations of the reflected intensity. This phenomenon, called time-domain Brillouin scatter... Read More about Polariton-induced transparency in multiple quantum wells probed by time domain Brillouin scattering.