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Nondestructive Picosecond Ultrasonic Probing of Intralayer and van der Waals Interlayer Bonding in α- and β-In2Se3

Yan, Wenjing; Akimov, Andrey V.; Page, Joseph A.; Greenaway, Mark T.; Balanov, Alexander G.; Patanè, Amalia; Kent, Anthony J.

Nondestructive Picosecond Ultrasonic Probing of Intralayer and van der Waals Interlayer Bonding in α- and β-In2Se3 Thumbnail


Joseph A. Page

Mark T. Greenaway

Alexander G. Balanov


The interplay between the strong intralayer covalent-ionic bonds and the weak interlayer van der Waals (vdW) forces between the neighboring layers of vdW crystals gives rise to unique physical and chemical properties. Here, the intralayer and interlayer bondings in α and β polytypes of In2Se3 are studied, a vdW material with potential applications in advanced electronic and optical devices. Picosecond ultrasonic experiments are conducted to probe the sound velocity in the direction perpendicular to the vdW layers. The measured sound velocities are different in α- and β-In2Se3, suggesting a significant difference in their elastic properties. Density functional theory and an effective spring model are used to calculate the elastic stiffness of the layer and vdW gap in α- and β-In2Se3. The calculated elastic moduli show good agreement with experimental values and reveal the dominant contribution of interlayer atomic bonding to the different elastic properties of the two polytypes. The findings show the power of picosecond ultrasonics for probing the fundamental elastic properties of vdW materials. The data and analysis also provide a reliable description of the intra- and interlayer forces in complex crystal structures, such as the polytype phases of In2Se3.


Yan, W., Akimov, A. V., Page, J. A., Greenaway, M. T., Balanov, A. G., Patanè, A., & Kent, A. J. (2021). Nondestructive Picosecond Ultrasonic Probing of Intralayer and van der Waals Interlayer Bonding in α- and β-In2Se3. Advanced Functional Materials, 31(50), Article 2106206.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Aug 23, 2021
Online Publication Date Sep 9, 2021
Publication Date Dec 1, 2021
Deposit Date Sep 10, 2021
Publicly Available Date Sep 10, 2021
Journal Advanced Functional Materials
Print ISSN 1616-301X
Electronic ISSN 1616-3028
Publisher Wiley
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 31
Issue 50
Article Number 2106206
Keywords Electrochemistry; Condensed Matter Physics; Biomaterials; Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials
Public URL
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