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Outputs (158)

Resolving the Disc–Halo Degeneracy – II: NGC 6946 (2020)
Journal Article
Aniyan, S., Ponomareva, A. A., Freeman, K. C., Arnaboldi, M., Gerhard, O. E., Coccato, L., …Merrifield, M. (2021). Resolving the Disc–Halo Degeneracy – II: NGC 6946. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 500(3), 3579-3593.

The mass-to-light ratio (M/L) is a key parameter in decomposing galactic rotation curves into contributions from the baryonic components and the dark halo of a galaxy. One direct observational method to determine the disc M/L is by calculating the su... Read More about Resolving the Disc–Halo Degeneracy – II: NGC 6946.

Intrinsic sign problem in fermionic and bosonic chiral topological matter (2020)
Journal Article
Golan, O., Smith, A., & Ringel, Z. (2020). Intrinsic sign problem in fermionic and bosonic chiral topological matter. Physical Review Research, 2(4), Article 043032.

The infamous sign problem leads to an exponential complexity in Monte Carlo simulations of generic many-body quantum systems. Nevertheless, many phases of matter are known to admit a sign-problem-free representative, allowing efficient simulations on... Read More about Intrinsic sign problem in fermionic and bosonic chiral topological matter.

Magnetic flux quantum periodicity of the frequency of the on-chip detectable electromagnetic radiation from superconducting flux-flow-oscillators (2020)
Journal Article
Chesca, B., John, D., Gaifullin, M., Cox, J., Murphy, A., Savel'ev, S., & Mellor, C. J. (2020). Magnetic flux quantum periodicity of the frequency of the on-chip detectable electromagnetic radiation from superconducting flux-flow-oscillators. Applied Physics Letters, 117(14), Article 142601.

Superconducting flux-flow-oscillators (FFOs) based on unidirectional flow of magnetic vortices in a single-long Josephson junction (JJ) and operating at 4.2 K are key elements of sub-terahertz integrated-receivers used in radio-astronomy and atmosphe... Read More about Magnetic flux quantum periodicity of the frequency of the on-chip detectable electromagnetic radiation from superconducting flux-flow-oscillators.

Magnetically induced Rayleigh-Taylor instability under rotation: Comparison of experimental and theoretical results (2020)
Journal Article
Scase, M., Baldwin, K., & Hill, R. (2020). Magnetically induced Rayleigh-Taylor instability under rotation: Comparison of experimental and theoretical results. Physical Review E, 102(4), Article 043101.

© 2020 authors. Published by the American Physical Society. Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the a... Read More about Magnetically induced Rayleigh-Taylor instability under rotation: Comparison of experimental and theoretical results.

Constraints on primordial gravitational waves from the cosmic microwave background (2020)
Journal Article
Clarke, T. J., Copeland, E. J., & Moss, A. (2020). Constraints on primordial gravitational waves from the cosmic microwave background. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2020(10), Article 002.

Searches for primordial gravitational waves have resulted in constraints in a large frequency range from a variety of sources. The standard Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) technique is to parameterise the tensor power spectrum in terms of the tenso... Read More about Constraints on primordial gravitational waves from the cosmic microwave background.

Comparative study of various methods for extraction of multi- quantum wells Schottky diode parameters (2020)
Journal Article
Garoudja, E., Filali, W., Oussalah, S., Sengouga, N., & Henini, M. (2020). Comparative study of various methods for extraction of multi- quantum wells Schottky diode parameters. Journal of Semiconductors, 41(10), Article 102401.

In this work, forward current voltage characteristics for multi-quantum wells Al0.33Ga0.67As Schottky diode were measured at temperature ranges from 100 to 300 K. The main parameters of this Schottky diode, such as the ideality factor, barrier height... Read More about Comparative study of various methods for extraction of multi- quantum wells Schottky diode parameters.

Detecting Scalar Fields with Extreme Mass Ratio Inspirals (2020)
Journal Article
Maselli, A., Franchini, N., Gualtieri, L., & Sotiriou, T. P. (2020). Detecting Scalar Fields with Extreme Mass Ratio Inspirals. Physical Review Letters, 125(14), Article 141101.

We study extreme mass ratio inspirals (EMRIs), during which a small body spirals into a supermassive black hole, in gravity theories with additional scalar fields. We first argue that no-hair theorems and the properties of known theories that manage... Read More about Detecting Scalar Fields with Extreme Mass Ratio Inspirals.

Intrinsic sign problems in topological quantum field theories (2020)
Journal Article
Smith, A., Golan, O., & Ringel, Z. (2020). Intrinsic sign problems in topological quantum field theories. Physical Review Research, 2(3), Article 033515.

The sign problem is a widespread numerical hurdle preventing us from simulating the equilibrium behavior of various problems at the forefront of physics. Focusing on an important subclass of such problems, bosonic (2+1)-dimensional topological quantu... Read More about Intrinsic sign problems in topological quantum field theories.

Magneto-Seebeck microscopy of domain switching in collinear antiferromagnet CuMnAs (2020)
Journal Article
Janda, T., Godinho, J., Ostatnicky, T., Pfitzner, E., Ulrich, G., Hoehl, A., …Wunderlich, J. (2020). Magneto-Seebeck microscopy of domain switching in collinear antiferromagnet CuMnAs. Physical Review Materials, 4(9), Article 094413.

Antiferromagnets offer spintronic device characteristics unparalleled in ferromagnets owing to their lack of stray fields, THz spin dynamics, and rich materials landscape. Microscopic imaging of antiferromagnetic domains is one of the key prerequisit... Read More about Magneto-Seebeck microscopy of domain switching in collinear antiferromagnet CuMnAs.

High open-circuit voltage in transition metal dichalcogenide solar cells (2020)
Journal Article
Svatek, S. A., Bueno-Blanco, C., Lin, D.-Y., Kerfoot, J., Macías, C., Zehender, M. H., …Antolín, E. (2021). High open-circuit voltage in transition metal dichalcogenide solar cells. Nano Energy, 79, Article 105427.

The conversion efficiency of ultra-thin solar cells based on layered materials has been limited by their open-circuit voltage, which is typically pinned to a value under 0.6 V. Here we report an open-circuit voltage of 1.02 V in a 120 nm-thick vertic... Read More about High open-circuit voltage in transition metal dichalcogenide solar cells.