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Outputs (131)

Cine MRI assessment of motility in the unprepared small bowel in the fasting and fed state: beyond the breath-hold (2018)
Journal Article
Hoad, C., Marciani, L., Spiller, R., Gowland, P., & Moran, G. (2019). Cine MRI assessment of motility in the unprepared small bowel in the fasting and fed state: beyond the breath-hold. Neurogastroenterology and Motility, 31(1), e13466.


The symptoms of functional bowel disorders are common in postprandial but investigations are generally undertaken in the fasted state using invasive procedures. MRI provides a noninvasive tool to study the gastrointestinal tract in an u... Read More about Cine MRI assessment of motility in the unprepared small bowel in the fasting and fed state: beyond the breath-hold.

Gastric motor and sensory function in health assessed by magnetic resonance imaging: Establishment of reference intervals for the Nottingham test meal in healthy subjects (2018)
Journal Article
Parker, H., Hoad, C. L., Tucker, E., Costigan, C., Marciani, L., Gowland, P., & Fox, M. (2018). Gastric motor and sensory function in health assessed by magnetic resonance imaging: Establishment of reference intervals for the Nottingham test meal in healthy subjects. Neurogastroenterology and Motility, 30(12), Article e13463.

Background: Current investigations of gastric emptying rarely identify the cause of symptoms or provide a definitive diagnosis in patients with dyspepsia. This study assessed gastric function by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) using the modular "Not... Read More about Gastric motor and sensory function in health assessed by magnetic resonance imaging: Establishment of reference intervals for the Nottingham test meal in healthy subjects.

Early variations in white matter microstructure and depression outcome in adolescents with subthreshold-depression (2018)
Journal Article
Vulser, H., Martinot, M.-L. P., Artiges, E., Miranda, R., Pentilla, J., Grimmer, Y., van Noort, B. M., Stringaris, A., Struve, M., Fadai, T., Kappel, V., Goodman, R., Tzavara, E., Massaad, C., Banaschewski, T., Barker, G. J., Bokde, A. L., Bromberg, U., Brühl, R., Büchel, C., …Lemaitre, H. (2018). Early variations in white matter microstructure and depression outcome in adolescents with subthreshold-depression. American Journal of Psychiatry, 175(12), 1255-1264.

Objective: White matter microstructure alterations have recently been associated with adolescence depressive episodes, but it is unknown whether they predate depression. We investigated whether subthreshold-depression in adolescence is associated wit... Read More about Early variations in white matter microstructure and depression outcome in adolescents with subthreshold-depression.

Demonstration of differences in colonic volumes, transit, chyme consistency and response to psyllium between healthy and constipated subjects using magnetic resonance imaging (2018)
Journal Article
Major, G., Murray, K., Singh, G., Nowak, A., Hoad, C. L., Marciani, L., Silos-Santiago, A., Kurtz, C. B., Johnston, J., Gowland, P., & Spiller, R. C. (2018). Demonstration of differences in colonic volumes, transit, chyme consistency and response to psyllium between healthy and constipated subjects using magnetic resonance imaging. Neurogastroenterology and Motility, 30(9), Article e13400.

Background: In functional gastrointestinal disorders a lack of objective biomarkers limits evaluation of underlying mechanisms. We aimed to demonstrate the utility of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) for this task using psyllium, an effective constip... Read More about Demonstration of differences in colonic volumes, transit, chyme consistency and response to psyllium between healthy and constipated subjects using magnetic resonance imaging.

A low FODMAP diet is associated with changes in the microbiota and reduction in breath hydrogen but not colonic volume in healthy subjects (2018)
Journal Article
Sloan, T. J., Jalanka, J., Major, G. A. D., Krishnasamy, S., Pritchard, S., Abdelrazig, S., Korpela, K., Singh, G., Mulvenna, C., Hoad, C. L., Marciani, L., Barrett, D. A., Lomer, M. C. E., de Vos, W. M., Gowland, P. A., & Spiller, R. C. (2018). A low FODMAP diet is associated with changes in the microbiota and reduction in breath hydrogen but not colonic volume in healthy subjects. PLoS ONE, 13(7), Article e0201410.

Background & aims

Ingestion of poorly digested, fermentable carbohydrates (fermentable oligo-, di-, mono-saccharides and polyols; FODMAPs) have been implicated in exacerbating intestinal symptoms and the reduction of intake with symptom alleviatio... Read More about A low FODMAP diet is associated with changes in the microbiota and reduction in breath hydrogen but not colonic volume in healthy subjects.

Risk profiles for heavy drinking in adolescence: differential effects of gender (2018)
Journal Article
Seo, S., Beck, A., Matthis, C., Genauck, A., Banaschewski, T., Bokde, A. L., Bromberg, U., Büchel, C., Quinlan, E. B., Flor, H., Frouin, V., Garavan, H., Gowland, P., Ittermann, B., Martinot, J.-L., Paillère Martinot, M.-L., Nees, F., Papadopoulos Orfanos, D., Poustka, L., Hohmann, S., …Obermayer, K. (in press). Risk profiles for heavy drinking in adolescence: differential effects of gender. Addiction Biology,

Abnormalities across different domains of neuropsychological functioning may constitute a risk factor for heavy drinking during adolescence and for developing alcohol use disorders later in life. However, the exact nature of such multi‐domain risk pr... Read More about Risk profiles for heavy drinking in adolescence: differential effects of gender.

Structural covariance and cortical reorganization in schizophrenia: a MRI-based morphometric study (2018)
Journal Article
Palaniyappan, L., Hodgson, O., Balain, V., Iwabuchi, S., Gowland, P., & Liddle, P. (2019). Structural covariance and cortical reorganization in schizophrenia: a MRI-based morphometric study. Psychological Medicine, 49(3), 412-420.

Background: In patients with schizophrenia, distributed abnormalities are observed in grey matter volume. A recent hypothesis posits that these distributed changes are indicative of a plastic reorganization process occurring in response to a function... Read More about Structural covariance and cortical reorganization in schizophrenia: a MRI-based morphometric study.

Ventromedial Prefrontal Volume in Adolescence Predicts Hyperactive/Inattentive Symptoms in Adulthood (2018)
Journal Article
Albaugh, M., Ivanova, M., Chaarani, B., Orr, C., Allgaier, N., Althoff, R., D'Alberto, N., Hudson, K., Mackey, S., Spechler, P., Banaschewski, T., Bokde, A., Bromberg, U., Cattrell, A., J.Conrod, P., & Gowland, P. (2019). Ventromedial Prefrontal Volume in Adolescence Predicts Hyperactive/Inattentive Symptoms in Adulthood. Cerebral Cortex, 29(5), 1866-1874.

Youths with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptomatology often exhibit residual inattention and/or hyperactivity in adulthood; however, this is not true for all individuals. We recently reported that dimensional, multi-informant ratings of... Read More about Ventromedial Prefrontal Volume in Adolescence Predicts Hyperactive/Inattentive Symptoms in Adulthood.

Effects of sprint interval training on ectopic lipids and tissue-specific insulin sensitivity in men with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (2018)
Journal Article
Sargeant, J. A., Bawden, S., Aithal, G. P., Simpson, E. J., Macdonald, I. A., Turner, M. C., Cegielski, J., Smith, K., Dorling, J. L., Gowland, P. A., Nimmo, M. A., & King, J. A. (2018). Effects of sprint interval training on ectopic lipids and tissue-specific insulin sensitivity in men with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 118(4), 817-828.

Purpose: This study examined the feasibility of sprint interval exercise training (SIT) for men with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and its effects on intrahepatic triglyceride (IHTG), insulin sensitivity (hepatic and peripheral), visceral... Read More about Effects of sprint interval training on ectopic lipids and tissue-specific insulin sensitivity in men with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Cortical differences in diverticular disease and correlation with symptom reports (2018)
Journal Article
Pitiot, A., Smith, J. K., Garratt, J., Francis, S. T., Gowland, P. A., Spiller, R. C., & Marciani, L. (2018). Cortical differences in diverticular disease and correlation with symptom reports. Neurogastroenterology and Motility, 30(7), Article e13303.


Recent studies have shown that the brain of patients with gastrointestinal disease differ both structurally and functionally from that of controls. Highly somatizing diverticular disease (HSDD) patients were also shown to differ from l... Read More about Cortical differences in diverticular disease and correlation with symptom reports.