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Outputs (115)

GLIMPS: A Machine Learning Approach to Resolution Transformation for Multiscale Modeling (2021)
Journal Article
Louison, K. A., Louison, K. A., Dryden, I. L., & Laughton, C. A. (2021). GLIMPS: A Machine Learning Approach to Resolution Transformation for Multiscale Modeling. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 17(12), 7930-7937.

We describe a general approach to transforming molecular models between different levels of resolution, based on machine learning methods. The approach uses a matched set of models at both levels of resolution for training, but requires only the coor... Read More about GLIMPS: A Machine Learning Approach to Resolution Transformation for Multiscale Modeling.

Batalin–Vilkovisky quantization of fuzzy field theories (2021)
Journal Article
Nguyen, H., Schenkel, A., & Szabo, R. J. (2021). Batalin–Vilkovisky quantization of fuzzy field theories. Letters in Mathematical Physics, 111(6), Article 149.

We apply the modern Batalin–Vilkovisky quantization techniques of Costello and Gwilliam to noncommutative field theories in the finite-dimensional case of fuzzy spaces. We further develop a generalization of this framework to theories that are equiva... Read More about Batalin–Vilkovisky quantization of fuzzy field theories.

Modular iterated integrals associated with cusp forms (2021)
Journal Article
Diamantis, N. (2022). Modular iterated integrals associated with cusp forms. Forum Mathematicum, 34(1), 157-174.

We construct an explicit family of modular iterated integrals which involves cusp forms. This leads to a new method of producing modular invariant functions based on iterated integrals of modular forms. The construction will be based on an extension... Read More about Modular iterated integrals associated with cusp forms.

Irreducible skew polynomials over domains (2021)
Journal Article
Brown, C., & Pumpluen, S. (2021). Irreducible skew polynomials over domains. Analele Universităţii "Ovidius" Constanta - Seria Matematica, 29(3), 75–89.

Let S be a domain and R = S[t; σ, δ] a skew polynomial ring, where σ is an injective endomorphism of S and δ a left σ-derivation. We give criteria for skew polynomials f ∈ R of degree less or equal to four to be irreducible. We apply them to low degr... Read More about Irreducible skew polynomials over domains.

Seizure outcomes in people with drug-resistant focal epilepsy evaluated for surgery but do not proceed (2021)
Journal Article
Khoo, A., de Tisi, J., Mannan, S., O’Keeffe, A. G., Sander, J. W., & Duncan, J. S. (2021). Seizure outcomes in people with drug-resistant focal epilepsy evaluated for surgery but do not proceed. Epilepsy Research, 178, Article 106822.

Objective: To ascertain seizure outcomes in people with drug-resistant focal epilepsy considered for epilepsy surgery but who did not proceed. Methods: We identified people discussed at a weekly presurgical epilepsy multi-disciplinary (MDT) meeting f... Read More about Seizure outcomes in people with drug-resistant focal epilepsy evaluated for surgery but do not proceed.

Classical BV formalism for group actions (2021)
Journal Article
Benini, M., Safronov, P., & Schenkel, A. (2023). Classical BV formalism for group actions. Communications in Contemporary Mathematics, 25(1), Article 2150094.

We study the derived critical locus of a function f: [X/G] → 1 on the quotient stack of a smooth affine scheme X by the action of a smooth affine group scheme G. It is shown that dCrit(f) R [Z/G] is a derived quotient stack for a derived affine schem... Read More about Classical BV formalism for group actions.

Free boundary problems for Stokes flow, with applications to the growth of biological tissues (2021)
Journal Article
King, J., & Venkataraman, C. (2021). Free boundary problems for Stokes flow, with applications to the growth of biological tissues. Interfaces and Free Boundaries, 23(4), 433–458.

We formulate, analyse and numerically simulate what are arguably the two simplest Stokes-flow free boundary problems relevant to tissue growth, extending the classical Stokes free boundary problem by incorporating (i) a volumetric source (the nutrien... Read More about Free boundary problems for Stokes flow, with applications to the growth of biological tissues.

Tangent functional canonical correlation analysis for densities and shapes, with applications to multimodal imaging data (2021)
Journal Article
Ho cho, M., Kurtek, S., & Bharath, K. (2022). Tangent functional canonical correlation analysis for densities and shapes, with applications to multimodal imaging data. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 189, Article 104870.

It is quite common for functional data arising from imaging data to assume values in infinite-dimensional manifolds. Uncovering associations between two or more such nonlinear functional data extracted from the same object across medical imaging moda... Read More about Tangent functional canonical correlation analysis for densities and shapes, with applications to multimodal imaging data.

A nonlinear and time-dependent leak current in the presence of calcium fluoride patch-clamp seal enhancer (2021)
Journal Article
Lei, C. L., Fabbri, A., Whittaker, D. G., Clerx, M., Windley, M. J., Hill, A. P., Mirams, G. R., & de Boer, T. P. (2021). A nonlinear and time-dependent leak current in the presence of calcium fluoride patch-clamp seal enhancer. Wellcome Open Research, 5, 1-34.

Automated patch-clamp platforms are widely used and vital tools in both academia and industry to enable high-throughput studies such as drug screening. A leak current to ground occurs whenever the seal between a pipette and cell (or internal solution... Read More about A nonlinear and time-dependent leak current in the presence of calcium fluoride patch-clamp seal enhancer.

Non-cell autonomous and spatiotemporal signalling from a tissue organizer orchestrates root vascular development (2021)
Journal Article
Yang, B. J., Minne, M., Brunoni, F., Plačková, L., Petřík, I., Sun, Y., Nolf, J., Smet, W., Verstaen, K., Wendrich, J. R., Eekhout, T., Hoyerová, K., Van Isterdael, G., Haustraete, J., Bishopp, A., Farcot, E., Novák, O., Saeys, Y., & De Rybel, B. (2021). Non-cell autonomous and spatiotemporal signalling from a tissue organizer orchestrates root vascular development. Nature Plants, 7(11), 1485-1494.

During plant development, a precise balance of cytokinin is crucial for correct growth and patterning, but it remains unclear how this is achieved across different cell types and in the context of a growing organ. Here we show that in the root apical... Read More about Non-cell autonomous and spatiotemporal signalling from a tissue organizer orchestrates root vascular development.