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Outputs (159)

Theory and numerical modelling of parity-time symmetric structures in photonics: Introduction and grating structures in one dimension (2016)
Book Chapter
Phang, S., Benson, T. M., Susanto, H., Creagh, S. C., Gradoni, G., Sewell, P. D., & Vukovic, A. (2016). Theory and numerical modelling of parity-time symmetric structures in photonics: Introduction and grating structures in one dimension. In A. Agrawal, T. M. Benson, R. De La Rue, & G. Wurtz (Eds.), Recent trends in computational photonics (161-205). Springer.

A class of structures based on PT PT-symmetric Bragg gratings in the presence of both gain and loss is studied. The basic concepts and properties of parity and time reversal in one-dimensional structures that possess idealised material properties are... Read More about Theory and numerical modelling of parity-time symmetric structures in photonics: Introduction and grating structures in one dimension.

Measures and applications of quantum correlations (2016)
Journal Article
Adesso, G., Bromley, T. R., & Cianciaruso, M. (2016). Measures and applications of quantum correlations. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 49(47),

Quantum information theory is built upon the realisation that quantum resources like coherence and entanglement can be exploited for novel or enhanced ways of transmitting and manipulating information, such as quantum cryptography, teleportation, and... Read More about Measures and applications of quantum correlations.

An offspring of multivariate extreme value theory: the max-characteristic function (2016)
Journal Article
Falk, M., & Stupfler, G. (2017). An offspring of multivariate extreme value theory: the max-characteristic function. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 154,

This paper introduces max-characteristic functions (max-CFs), which are an offspring of multivariate extreme-value theory. A max-CF characterizes the distribution of a random vector in Rd, whose components are nonnegative and have finite expectation.... Read More about An offspring of multivariate extreme value theory: the max-characteristic function.

Eigenvectors under a generic perturbation: non-perturbative results from the random matrix approach (2016)
Journal Article
Truong, K., & Ossipov, A. (2016). Eigenvectors under a generic perturbation: non-perturbative results from the random matrix approach. EPL, 116(3), Article 37002.

We consider eigenvectors of the Hamiltonian H0 perturbed by a generic perturbation V modelled by a random matrix from the Gaussian Unitary Ensemble (GUE). Using the super-symmetry approach we derive analytical results for the statistics of the eigenv... Read More about Eigenvectors under a generic perturbation: non-perturbative results from the random matrix approach.

Causality and black holes in spacetimes with a preferred foliation (2016)
Journal Article
Bhattacharyya, J., Colombo, M., & Sotiriou, T. P. (2016). Causality and black holes in spacetimes with a preferred foliation. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 33(23), Article 235003.

© 2016 IOP Publishing Ltd. We develop a framework that facilitates the study of the causal structure of spacetimes with a causally preferred foliation. Such spacetimes may arise as solutions of Lorentz-violating theories, e.g. Horava gravity. Our fra... Read More about Causality and black holes in spacetimes with a preferred foliation.

Biphasic regulation of the transcription factor ABORTED MICROSPORES (AMS) is essential for tapetum and pollen development in Arabidopsis (2016)
Journal Article
Ferguson, A., Pearce, S., Band, L. R., Yang, C., Ferjentsikova, I., King, J., Yuan, Z., Zhang, D., & Wilson, Z. A. (in press). Biphasic regulation of the transcription factor ABORTED MICROSPORES (AMS) is essential for tapetum and pollen development in Arabidopsis. New Phytologist, 213,

Viable pollen is essential for plant reproduction and crop yield. Its production requires coordinated expression at specific stages during anther development, involving early meiosis-associated events and late pollen wall formation. The ABORTED MICRO... Read More about Biphasic regulation of the transcription factor ABORTED MICROSPORES (AMS) is essential for tapetum and pollen development in Arabidopsis.

Bound states and entanglement generation in waveguide quantum electrodynamics (2016)
Journal Article
Facchi, P., Kim, M., Pascazio, S., Pepe, F. V., Pomarico, D., & Tufarelli, T. (2016). Bound states and entanglement generation in waveguide quantum electrodynamics. Physical Review A, 94(4), Article 043839.

We investigate the behavior of two quantum emitters (two-level atoms) embedded in a linear waveguide, in a quasi-one-dimensional configuration. Since the atoms can emit, absorb and reflect radiation, the pair can spontaneously relax towards an entang... Read More about Bound states and entanglement generation in waveguide quantum electrodynamics.

Achieving sub-shot-noise sensing at finite temperatures (2016)
Journal Article
Mehboudi, M., Correa, L. A., & Sanpera, A. (2016). Achieving sub-shot-noise sensing at finite temperatures. Physical Review A, 94(4), Article 042121.

We investigate sensing of magnetic fields using quantum spin chains at finite temperature and exploit quantum phase crossovers to improve metrological bounds on the estimation of the chain parameters. In particular, we analyze the XX spin chain and s... Read More about Achieving sub-shot-noise sensing at finite temperatures.