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Outputs (3)

Irreducible skew polynomials over domains (2021)
Journal Article
Brown, C., & Pumpluen, S. (2021). Irreducible skew polynomials over domains. Analele Universităţii "Ovidius" Constanta - Seria Matematica, 29(3), 75–89.

Let S be a domain and R = S[t; σ, δ] a skew polynomial ring, where σ is an injective endomorphism of S and δ a left σ-derivation. We give criteria for skew polynomials f ∈ R of degree less or equal to four to be irreducible. We apply them to low degr... Read More about Irreducible skew polynomials over domains.

The norm of a skew polynomial (2021)
Journal Article
Pumpluen, S., & Thompson, D. (2022). The norm of a skew polynomial. Algebras and Representation Theory, 25(4), 869–887.

Let D be a finite-dimensional division algebra over its center and R=D[t;σ,δ] a skew polynomial ring. Under certain assumptions on δ and σ, the ring of central quotients D(t;σ,δ)={f/g|f∈D[t;σ,δ],g∈C(D[t;σ,δ])} of D[t;σ,δ] is a central simple algebra... Read More about The norm of a skew polynomial.

A generalisation of Amitsur's A-polynomials (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Pumpluen, S., & Owen, A. A generalisation of Amitsur's A-polynomials. Presented at 3rd International Workshop on Nonassociative Algebras in Málaga, Malaga, Spain

We find examples of polynomials f in D[t;\sigma,\delta] whose eigenring is a central simple algebra over the field F = C \cap Fix(\sigma) \cap Const(\delta).