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Outputs (57)

Orientation-Dependent Pinning and Homoclinic Snaking on a Planar Lattice (2015)
Journal Article
Dean, A. D., Matthews, P. C., Cox, S. M., & King, J. R. (2015). Orientation-Dependent Pinning and Homoclinic Snaking on a Planar Lattice. SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 14(1), 481-521.

We study homoclinic snaking of one-dimensional, localized states on two-dimensional, bistable lattices via the method of exponential asymptotics. Within a narrow region of parameter space, fronts connecting the two stable states are pinned to the und... Read More about Orientation-Dependent Pinning and Homoclinic Snaking on a Planar Lattice.

A mathematical model of the human metabolic system and metabolic flexibility (2014)
Journal Article
Pearson, T., Wattis, J. A., King, J. R., MacDonald, I. A., & Mazzatti, D. (2014). A mathematical model of the human metabolic system and metabolic flexibility. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 76(9),

In healthy subjects some tissues in the human body display metabolic flexibility, by this we mean the ability for the tissue to switch its fuel source between predominantly carbohydrates in the post prandial state and predominantly fats in the fasted... Read More about A mathematical model of the human metabolic system and metabolic flexibility.

Continuum limits of pattern formation in hexagonal-cell monolayers (2012)
Journal Article
O'Dea, R. D., & King, J. R. (2012). Continuum limits of pattern formation in hexagonal-cell monolayers. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 64(3),

Intercellular signalling is key in determining cell fate. In closely packed tissues such as epithelia, juxtacrine signalling is thought to be a mechanism for the generation of fine-grained spatial patterns in cell differentiation commonly observed in... Read More about Continuum limits of pattern formation in hexagonal-cell monolayers.

The isolation of spatial patterning modes in a mathematical model of juxtacrine cell signalling (2011)
Journal Article
O'Dea, R. D., & King, J. R. (2013). The isolation of spatial patterning modes in a mathematical model of juxtacrine cell signalling. Mathematical Medicine and Biology, 30(2),

Juxtacrine signalling mechanisms are known to be crucial in tissue and organ development, leading to spatial patterns in gene expression. We investigate the patterning behaviour of a discrete model of juxtacrine cell signalling due to Owen \& Sherrat... Read More about The isolation of spatial patterning modes in a mathematical model of juxtacrine cell signalling.

Multiscale analysis of pattern formation via intercellular signalling (2011)
Journal Article
O'Dea, R. D., & King, J. R. (2011). Multiscale analysis of pattern formation via intercellular signalling. Mathematical Biosciences, 231(2),

Lateral inhibition, a juxtacrine signalling mechanism by which a cell adopting a particular fate inhibits neighbouring cells from doing likewise, has been shown to be a robust mechanism for the formation of fine-grained spatial patterns (in which adj... Read More about Multiscale analysis of pattern formation via intercellular signalling.

A multiple timescale analysis of a mathematical model of the Wnt/β-catenin signalling pathway (2009)
Journal Article
Mirams, G. R., Byrne, H. M., & King, J. R. (2010). A multiple timescale analysis of a mathematical model of the Wnt/β-catenin signalling pathway. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 60(1), 131-160.

The Wnt signalling pathway is involved in stem cell maintenance, differentiation and tissue development. Its disregulation has also been implicated in many cancers. β-catenin is a protein that regulates both transcription of many genes and cell-cell... Read More about A multiple timescale analysis of a mathematical model of the Wnt/β-catenin signalling pathway.

Elucidating the interactions between the adhesive and transcriptioanl functions of beta-catenin in normal and cancerous cells (2007)
Journal Article
van Leeuwen, I. M. M., Byrne, H. M., Jensen, O. E., & King, J. R. (2007). Elucidating the interactions between the adhesive and transcriptioanl functions of beta-catenin in normal and cancerous cells. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 247(1), 77-102.

Wnt signalling is involved in a wide range of physiological and pathological processes. The presence of an extracellular Wnt stimulus induces cytoplasmic stabilisation and nuclear translocation of beta-catenin, a protein that also plays an essential... Read More about Elucidating the interactions between the adhesive and transcriptioanl functions of beta-catenin in normal and cancerous cells.