Visualization for epidemiological modelling: challenges, solutions, reflections and recommendations
Journal Article
Dykes, J., Abdul-Rahman, A., Archambault, D., Bach, B., Borgo, R., Chen, M., Enright, J., Fang, H., Firat, E. E., Freeman, E., Gönen, T., Harris, C., Jianu, R., John, N. W., Khan, S., Lahiff, A., Laramee, R. S., Matthews, L., Mohr, S., Nguyen, P. H., …Xu, K. (2022). Visualization for epidemiological modelling: challenges, solutions, reflections and recommendations. Philosophical Transactions A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 380(2233),
We report on an ongoing collaboration between epidemiological modellers and visualization researchers by documenting and reflecting upon knowledge constructs—a series of ideas, approaches and methods taken from existing visualization research and pra... Read More about Visualization for epidemiological modelling: challenges, solutions, reflections and recommendations.