Improving Uncertainty Estimations for Mammogram Classification Using Semi-Supervised Learning
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Calderon-Ramırez, S., Murillo-Hernandez, D., Rojas-Salazar, K., Calvo-Valverde, L.-A., Yang, S., Moemeni, A., Elizondo, D., Lopez-Rubio, E., & Molina-Cabello, M. (2021, July). Improving Uncertainty Estimations for Mammogram Classification Using Semi-Supervised Learning. Presented at 2021 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2021), Online
Computer aided diagnosis for mammogram images have seen positive results through the usage of deep learning architectures. However, limited sample sizes for the target datasets might prevent the usage of a deep learning model under real world scenari... Read More about Improving Uncertainty Estimations for Mammogram Classification Using Semi-Supervised Learning.