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improving Pain mAnagement for childreN and young people attendeD by Ambulance (PANDA): protocol for a realist review [version 1; peer review: 2 approved with reservations] (2024)
Journal Article
Nicholls, G., Eaton, G., Ortega, M., Sumera, K., Baliousis, M., Hodgson, J., Laparidou, D., Siriwardena, A. N., Leighton, P., Redsell, S., Lord, B., Bujor, T., & Whitley, G. A. (2024). improving Pain mAnagement for childreN and young people attendeD by Ambulance (PANDA): protocol for a realist review [version 1; peer review: 2 approved with reservations]. NIHR Open Research, 4, Article 42.

Each year in England, 450,000 children and young people (CYP) under 18 years of age are transported by ambulance to emergency departments. Approximately 20% of these suffer acute pain caused by illness or injury. Pain is a highly complex... Read More about improving Pain mAnagement for childreN and young people attendeD by Ambulance (PANDA): protocol for a realist review [version 1; peer review: 2 approved with reservations].

A mixed methods investigation into GP attitudes and experiences of using social prescribing in their practice (2024)
Journal Article
Ajibade, A., Storry, V., Sewed, C., & Hodgson, J. C. (2024). A mixed methods investigation into GP attitudes and experiences of using social prescribing in their practice. Journal of Public Health,

Social prescribing (SP) enables clinicians to signpost patients to non-medical services in the community in order to support their psycho-social needs. SP has been promoted as a positive service delivery model for primary and community care; how... Read More about A mixed methods investigation into GP attitudes and experiences of using social prescribing in their practice.

Disrupting the speech motor network: Exploring hemispheric specialization for verbal and manual sequencing using a dual-task approach. (2019)
Journal Article
Hodgson, J. C., Tremlin, R., & Hudson, J. M. (2019). Disrupting the speech motor network: Exploring hemispheric specialization for verbal and manual sequencing using a dual-task approach. Neuropsychology, 33(8), 1101-1110.

Objective: The concept of overlapping neural networks supporting both speech production and fine motor praxis is well accepted; however, few studies have explored the lateralized behavioral characteristics of both functions when performed simultaneou... Read More about Disrupting the speech motor network: Exploring hemispheric specialization for verbal and manual sequencing using a dual-task approach..