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Outputs (588)

A comparative, randomised MRI study of the physiological and appetitive responses to gelling (alginate) and non-gelling nasogastric tube feeds in healthy men (2023)
Journal Article
Aliyu, A. I., Nixon, A., Hoad, C., Marciani, L., Corsetti, M., Aithal, G. P., Macdonald, I. A., Cordon, S. M., Alhussain, M. H., Inoue, H., Yamada, M., & Taylor, M. A. (2023). A comparative, randomised MRI study of the physiological and appetitive responses to gelling (alginate) and non-gelling nasogastric tube feeds in healthy men. British Journal of Nutrition, 130(8), 1316-1328.

AbstractInclusion in nasogastric tube feeds (NGTF) of acid-sensitive, seaweed-derived alginate, expected to form a reversible gel in the stomach, may create a more normal intragastric state and modified gastrointestinal responses. This may ameliorate... Read More about A comparative, randomised MRI study of the physiological and appetitive responses to gelling (alginate) and non-gelling nasogastric tube feeds in healthy men.

Delivery of biannual ultrasound surveillance for individuals with cirrhosis and cured hepatitis C in the UK (2023)
Journal Article
Hamill, V., Gelson, W., MacDonald, D., Richardson, P., Ryder, S. D., Aldersley, M., McPherson, S., Verma, S., Sharma, R., Hutchinson, S., Benselin, J., Barnes, E., Guha, I. N., Irving, W. L., & Innes, H. (2023). Delivery of biannual ultrasound surveillance for individuals with cirrhosis and cured hepatitis C in the UK. Liver International, 43(4), 917-927.

Background: Previous studies show the uptake of biannual ultrasound (US) surveillance in patients with cirrhosis is suboptimal. Here, our goal was to understand in broader terms how surveillance is being delivered to cirrhosis patients with cured hep... Read More about Delivery of biannual ultrasound surveillance for individuals with cirrhosis and cured hepatitis C in the UK.

Discovery of a polymer resistant to bacterial biofilm, swarming, and encrustation (2023)
Journal Article
Dubern, J. F., Hook, A. L., Carabelli, A. M., Chang, C. Y., Lewis-Lloyd, C. A., Luckett, J. C., Burroughs, L., Dundas, A. A., Humes, D. J., Irvine, D. J., Alexander, M. R., & Williams, P. (2023). Discovery of a polymer resistant to bacterial biofilm, swarming, and encrustation. Science Advances, 9(4), Article eadd7474.

Innovative approaches to prevent catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs) are urgently required. Here, we describe the discovery of an acrylate copolymer capable of resisting single- and multispecies bacterial biofilm formation, swarming... Read More about Discovery of a polymer resistant to bacterial biofilm, swarming, and encrustation.

Risk of liver fibrosis associated with long-term methotrexate therapy may be overestimated (2023)
Journal Article
Atallah, E., Grove, J., Crooks, C., Burden-Teh, E., Abhishek, A., Moreea, S., Jordan, K., Ala, A., Hutchinson, D., Aspinall, R. J., Murphy, R., & Aithal, G. (2023). Risk of liver fibrosis associated with long-term methotrexate therapy may be overestimated. Journal of Hepatology, 78(5), 989-997.

Background & Aims
The risk of significant liver fibrosis from prolonged methotrexate (MTX) exposure has been estimated at around 5%, prompting intensive monitoring strategies. However, the evidence is derived from retrospective studies that under-re... Read More about Risk of liver fibrosis associated with long-term methotrexate therapy may be overestimated.

Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement for PhD Students (2023)
Preprint / Working Paper
Gladman, J. R. F., Stocks, J., Phillips, B., Horobin, A., Wragg, A., Mundey, M., Woodcock, R., Braybrooke, R., Junor, A., Hendy, C., Morgan, K., Prior, M., & Humes, D. Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement for PhD Students

This paper aims to provide useful advice regarding the development of skills for patient and public involvement and engagement (PPIE) in research. The authors of this paper comprise experienced PhD supervisors and trainers, researchers leading PPIE a... Read More about Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement for PhD Students.

The effect of acute and chronic exercise on hepatic lipid composition (2023)
Journal Article
Willis, S. A., Malaikah, S., Parry, S., Bawden, S., Ennequin, G., Sargeant, J. A., Yates, T., Webb, D. R., Davies, M. J., Stensel, D. J., Aithal, G. P., & King, J. A. (2023). The effect of acute and chronic exercise on hepatic lipid composition. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 33(5), 550-568.

Exercise is recommended for those with, or at risk of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), owing to beneficial effects on hepatic steatosis and cardiometabolic risk. Whilst exercise training reduces total intrahepatic lipid in people with NAFLD,... Read More about The effect of acute and chronic exercise on hepatic lipid composition.

Association between prealbumin, all-cause mortality, and response to nutrition treatment in patients at nutrition risk. Secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial (2023)
Journal Article
Bretscher, C., Buergin, M., Gurzeler, G., Kägi-Braun, N., Gressies, C., Tribolet, P., Lobo, D. N., Evans, D. C., Stanga, Z., Mueller, B., Schuetz, P., & for the EFFORT study team. (2023). Association between prealbumin, all-cause mortality, and response to nutrition treatment in patients at nutrition risk. Secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, 47(3), 408-419.

Background: Because of the shorter half-life as compared with albumin, serum prealbumin concentrations have been proposed to be useful nutrition biomarkers for the assessment of patients at nutrition risk. In a post hoc analysis of patients at nutrit... Read More about Association between prealbumin, all-cause mortality, and response to nutrition treatment in patients at nutrition risk. Secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial.

Three Centuries of Appendicectomy (2022)
Journal Article
Herrod, P. J. J., Kwok, A. T., & Lobo, D. N. (2023). Three Centuries of Appendicectomy. World Journal of Surgery, 47(4), 928-936.

Save for the contribution of Charles McBurney, who described his eponymous point and the appendicectomy incision, the history of appendicectomy is largely unknown among the medical profession. This review traces the history from the first... Read More about Three Centuries of Appendicectomy.

Comparing magnetic resonance liver fat fraction measurements with histology in fibrosis: the difference between proton density fat fraction and tissue mass fat fraction (2022)
Journal Article
Bawden, S. J., Hoad, C., Kaye, P., Stephenson, M., Dolman, G., James, M. W., Wilkes, E., Austin, A., Guha, I. N., Francis, S., Gowland, P., & Aithal, G. P. (2023). Comparing magnetic resonance liver fat fraction measurements with histology in fibrosis: the difference between proton density fat fraction and tissue mass fat fraction. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine, 36(4), 553-563.

Objective: Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) provides a powerful method of measuring fat fraction. However, previous studies have shown that MRS results give lower values compared with visual estimates from biopsies in fibrotic livers. This study... Read More about Comparing magnetic resonance liver fat fraction measurements with histology in fibrosis: the difference between proton density fat fraction and tissue mass fat fraction.

Italian guidelines for the management of irritable bowel syndrome: Joint Consensus from the Italian Societies of: Gastroenterology and Endoscopy (SIGE), Neurogastroenterology and Motility (SINGEM), Hospital Gastroenterologists and Endoscopists (AIGO), Digestive Endoscopy (SIED), General Medicine (SIMG), Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Pediatric Nutrition (SIGENP) and Pediatrics (SIP) (2022)
Journal Article
Barbara, G., Cremon, C., Bellini, M., Corsetti, M., Di Nardo, G., Falangone, F., Fuccio, L., Galeazzi, F., Iovino, P., Sarnelli, G., Vincenzo Savarino, E., Stanghellini, V., Staiano, A., Stasi, C., Tosetti, C., Turco, R., Ubaldi, E., Maurizio Zagari, R., Zenzeri, L., & Marasco, G. (2022). Italian guidelines for the management of irritable bowel syndrome: Joint Consensus from the Italian Societies of: Gastroenterology and Endoscopy (SIGE), Neurogastroenterology and Motility (SINGEM), Hospital Gastroenterologists and Endoscopists (AIGO), Digestive Endoscopy (SIED), General Medicine (SIMG), Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Pediatric Nutrition (SIGENP) and Pediatrics (SIP). Digestive and Liver Disease,

The irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a chronic disorder of gut-brain interaction. IBS is still associated with areas of uncertainties, especially regarding the optimal diagnostic work-up and the more appropriate management. Experts from 7 Italian So... Read More about Italian guidelines for the management of irritable bowel syndrome: Joint Consensus from the Italian Societies of: Gastroenterology and Endoscopy (SIGE), Neurogastroenterology and Motility (SINGEM), Hospital Gastroenterologists and Endoscopists (AIGO), Digestive Endoscopy (SIED), General Medicine (SIMG), Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Pediatric Nutrition (SIGENP) and Pediatrics (SIP).