Identification of Surgeon Burnout via a Single-Item Measure
Journal Article
Houdmont, J., Daliya, P., Adiamah, A., Theophilidou, E., Hassard, J., Lobo, D. N., Ahmed, J., Babu, V., Baker, D., Bartlett, D., Beckingham, I., Bhatti, I., Brooks, A., Brown, S., Burke, J., Byrne, H., Chetter, I., Cook, H., Coulston, J., Cruddas, L., …Young, L. (2022). Identification of Surgeon Burnout via a Single-Item Measure. Occupational Medicine, 72(9), 641-643.
Burnout is endemic in surgeons in the UK and linked with poor patient safety and quality of care, mental health problems, and workforce sustainability. Mechanisms are required to facilitate the efficient identification of burnout in this...
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