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Outputs (559)

Risk and prevention of unintentional injuries in children and young people with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (2021)
Journal Article
Tyrrell, E., & Prasad, V. (2021). Risk and prevention of unintentional injuries in children and young people with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Paediatrics and Child Health, 31(10), 371-375.

Injuries among children and young people are a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the UK and globally. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is an important neurodevelopmental disorder which can be present from preschool age but is... Read More about Risk and prevention of unintentional injuries in children and young people with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

Developing good practice by understanding how UK medical schools address low level concerns: a survey study (2021)
Journal Article
Vivekananda-Schmidt, P., Bolton, C., & Knox, R. (2022). Developing good practice by understanding how UK medical schools address low level concerns: a survey study. Education for Primary Care, 33(1), 6-12.

In the literature, a distinction is made between low-level concerns and what is regarded as fitness to practise concerns. The General Medical Council expects all UK medical schools to have a transparent process in place about how concerns about its m... Read More about Developing good practice by understanding how UK medical schools address low level concerns: a survey study.

Pre-notification and personalisation of text-messages to retain participants in a smoking cessation pregnancy RCT: an embedded randomised factorial trial (2021)
Journal Article
Coleman, E., Whitemore, R., Clark, L., Daykin, K., & Clark, M. (2021). Pre-notification and personalisation of text-messages to retain participants in a smoking cessation pregnancy RCT: an embedded randomised factorial trial. F1000Research, 10, Article 637.

Background: Low response rates in randomised controlled trials can compromise the reliability of the results, so ways to boost retention are often implemented. Although there is evidence to suggest that sending a text message to participants increas... Read More about Pre-notification and personalisation of text-messages to retain participants in a smoking cessation pregnancy RCT: an embedded randomised factorial trial.

Sickle Cell Disorders and Severe COVID-19 Outcomes: A Cohort Study (2021)
Journal Article
Clift, A. K., Saatci, D., Coupland, C. A., Dambha-Miller, H., Hippisley-Cox, J., & International Investigator Group for Ethnicity and COVID-19. (2021). Sickle Cell Disorders and Severe COVID-19 Outcomes: A Cohort Study. Annals of Internal Medicine, 174(10), 1483-1487.

Background: Sickle cell disease is a collection of compound heterozygote hemoglobinopathies, including sickle cell anemia (1). The heterozygote hemoglobinopathies are characterized by erythrocyte deformation with hemolysis; immune and coagulation dys... Read More about Sickle Cell Disorders and Severe COVID-19 Outcomes: A Cohort Study.

Smoking and vaping patterns during pregnancy and the postpartum: a longitudinal UK cohort survey (2021)
Journal Article
Bowker, K., Lewis, S., Ussher, M., Naughton, F., Phillips, L., Coleman, T., Orton, S., McRobbie, H., Bauld, L., & Cooper, S. (2021). Smoking and vaping patterns during pregnancy and the postpartum: a longitudinal UK cohort survey. Addictive Behaviors, 123, Article 107050.

Introduction: There is limited information about longitudinal patterns of vaping during pregnancy and the postpartum. We describe the prevalence, frequency, and reasons for vaping throughout pregnancy and postpartum. We also describe temporal pattern... Read More about Smoking and vaping patterns during pregnancy and the postpartum: a longitudinal UK cohort survey.

The more the merrier! Barriers and facilitators to the general public’s use of a COVID-19 contact tracing app in New Zealand (2021)
Journal Article
Gasteiger, N., Gasteiger, C., Vedhara, K., & Broadbent, E. (2022). The more the merrier! Barriers and facilitators to the general public’s use of a COVID-19 contact tracing app in New Zealand. Informatics for Health and Social Care, 47(2), 132-143.

Contact tracing for infectious diseases can be partially automated using mobile applications. However, the success of these tools is dependent on significant uptake and frequent use by the public. This study explored the barriers and facilitators to... Read More about The more the merrier! Barriers and facilitators to the general public’s use of a COVID-19 contact tracing app in New Zealand.

Implementation fidelity of the Falls Management Exercise Programme: a mixed methods analysis using a conceptual framework for implementation fidelity (2021)
Journal Article
Orton, E., Lafond, N., Skelton, D. A., Coupland, C., Gladman, J. R., Iliffe, S., Logan, P. A., Masud, T., Timblin, C., Timmons, S., & Kendrick, D. (2021). Implementation fidelity of the Falls Management Exercise Programme: a mixed methods analysis using a conceptual framework for implementation fidelity. Public Health, 197, 11-18.

Objectives: Falls in older adults cause significant morbidity and mortality and incur cost to health and care services. The Falls Management Exercise (FaME) programme is a 24-week intervention for older adults that, in clinical trials, improves balan... Read More about Implementation fidelity of the Falls Management Exercise Programme: a mixed methods analysis using a conceptual framework for implementation fidelity.

Ethnicity and COVID-19 outcomes among healthcare workers in the UK: UK-REACH ethico-legal research, qualitative research on healthcare workers' experiences and stakeholder engagement protocol (2021)
Journal Article
Gogoi, M., Reed-Berendt, R., Al-Oraibi, A., Hassan, O., Wobi, F., Gupta, A., Abubakar, I., Dove, E., Nellums, L. B., & Pareek, M. (2021). Ethnicity and COVID-19 outcomes among healthcare workers in the UK: UK-REACH ethico-legal research, qualitative research on healthcare workers' experiences and stakeholder engagement protocol. BMJ Open, 11(7), Article e049611.

Introduction As the world continues to grapple with the COVID-19 pandemic, emerging evidence suggests that individuals from ethnic minority backgrounds may be disproportionately affected. The United Kingdom Research study into Ethnicity And COVID-19... Read More about Ethnicity and COVID-19 outcomes among healthcare workers in the UK: UK-REACH ethico-legal research, qualitative research on healthcare workers' experiences and stakeholder engagement protocol.

Strategies supporting sustainable prescribing safety improvement interventions in English primary care: a qualitative study (2021)
Journal Article
Shamsuddin, A., Jeffries, M., Sheikh, A., Laing, L., Salema, N.-E., Avery, A. J., Chuter, A., Waring, J., & Keers, R. N. (2021). Strategies supporting sustainable prescribing safety improvement interventions in English primary care: a qualitative study. BJGP Open, 5(5), 1-11.

Background: While the use of prescribing safety indicators (PSI) can reduce potentially hazardous prescribing, there is a need to identify actionable strategies for the successful implementation and sustainable delivery of PSI-based interventions in... Read More about Strategies supporting sustainable prescribing safety improvement interventions in English primary care: a qualitative study.

Deconstructing language barriers in healthcare: Where are we going wrong? (2021)
Journal Article
Venkatesan, T., Naqvi, D., & Patel, B. (2022). Deconstructing language barriers in healthcare: Where are we going wrong?. Postgraduate Medical Journal, 98(1157), 157-158.

The COVID-19 pandemic has sharply brought to light the need to address inequalities in health. Language barriers have been demonstrated to be a major determinant in the inequality in healthcare received by Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) and... Read More about Deconstructing language barriers in healthcare: Where are we going wrong?.