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Outputs (60)

Clinical characteristics of persistent frequent attenders in primary care: case–control study (2015)
Journal Article
Patel, S., Kai, J., Atha, C., Avery, A., Guo, B., James, M., Malins, S., Sampson, C., Stubley, M., & Morriss, R. (2015). Clinical characteristics of persistent frequent attenders in primary care: case–control study. Family Practice, cmv076.

Background. Most frequent attendance in primary care is temporary, but persistent frequent attendance is expensive and may be suitable for psychological intervention. To plan appropriate intervention and service delivery, there is a need for research... Read More about Clinical characteristics of persistent frequent attenders in primary care: case–control study.

A randomised controlled trial of the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system in primary care against standard treatment for menorrhagia: the ECLIPSE trial (2015)
Journal Article
Gupta, J. K., Daniels, J. P., Middleton, L. J., Pattison, H. M., Prileszky, G., Roberts, T. E., Sanghera, S., Barton, P., Gray, R., & Kai, J. (2015). A randomised controlled trial of the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system in primary care against standard treatment for menorrhagia: the ECLIPSE trial. Health Technology Assessment, 19(88), 1-118.

Background: Heavy menstrual bleeding (HMB) is a common problem, yet evidence to inform decisions about initial medical treatment is limited.

Objectives: To assess the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the levonorgestrel-releasing in... Read More about A randomised controlled trial of the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system in primary care against standard treatment for menorrhagia: the ECLIPSE trial.

Approaches used by parents to keep their children safe at home: a qualitative study to explore the perspectives of parents with children aged under five years (2015)
Journal Article
Ablewhite, J., McDaid, L., Hawkins, A., Peel, I., Goodenough, T., Deave, T., Stewart, J., Watson, M., & Kendrick, D. (2015). Approaches used by parents to keep their children safe at home: a qualitative study to explore the perspectives of parents with children aged under five years. BMC Public Health, 15(983),

BACKGROUND: Childhood unintentional injury represents an important global health problem. Many unintentional injuries experienced by children aged under 5years occur within the home and are preventable. The aim of this study was to explore the approa... Read More about Approaches used by parents to keep their children safe at home: a qualitative study to explore the perspectives of parents with children aged under five years.

Sex and age differences in the early identification and treatment of alcohol use: a population-based study of patients with alcoholic cirrhosis (2015)
Journal Article
Otete, H. E., Orton, E., West, J., & Fleming, K. M. (2015). Sex and age differences in the early identification and treatment of alcohol use: a population-based study of patients with alcoholic cirrhosis. Addiction, 110(12),

Aim: To estimate sex differences in health-care utilization among harmful/hazardous drinkers in the period before alcoholic cirrhosis diagnosis, and estimate sex differences in the extent to which alcohol use and brief alcohol interventions were docu... Read More about Sex and age differences in the early identification and treatment of alcohol use: a population-based study of patients with alcoholic cirrhosis.

Understanding pregnant smokers’ adherence to nicotine replacement therapy during a quit attempt: a qualitative study (2015)
Journal Article
Bowker, K., Campbell, K., Coleman, T., & Lewis, S. (in press). Understanding pregnant smokers’ adherence to nicotine replacement therapy during a quit attempt: a qualitative study. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 18(5),

Background: Pregnant smokers may be offered nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) alongside behavioral support to assist with a quit attempt. Yet trials of NRT have found adherence to be low among pregnant women, and this has made it difficult to determ... Read More about Understanding pregnant smokers’ adherence to nicotine replacement therapy during a quit attempt: a qualitative study.

Smoking in the home after childbirth: prevalence and determinants in an English cohort (2015)
Journal Article
Orton, S., Coleman, T., Jones, L. L., Cooper, S., & Lewis, S. (2015). Smoking in the home after childbirth: prevalence and determinants in an English cohort. BMJ Open, 5(9), Article e008856.


Children's exposure to secondhand smoke (SHS) is causally linked to childhood morbidity and mortality. Over 38% of English children (aged 4–15) whose parents are smokers are exposed to SHS in the home. Little is known about the prevale... Read More about Smoking in the home after childbirth: prevalence and determinants in an English cohort.

Development and validation of risk prediction equations to estimate future risk of heart failure in patients with diabetes: a prospective cohort study (2015)
Journal Article
Hippisley-Cox, J., & Coupland, C. (2015). Development and validation of risk prediction equations to estimate future risk of heart failure in patients with diabetes: a prospective cohort study. BMJ Open, 5(9), Article e008503.

Objective: To develop and externally validate risk prediction equations to estimate the 10-year risk of heart failure in patients with diabetes, aged 25–84 years.

Design: Cohort study using routinely collected data from general practices in Englan... Read More about Development and validation of risk prediction equations to estimate future risk of heart failure in patients with diabetes: a prospective cohort study.

Barriers and facilitators to delivering injury prevention interventions in English children's centres (2015)
Journal Article
Goodenough, T., Kay, B., Deave, T., Towner, E., Stewart, J., Ablewhite, J., Hawkins, A., McDaid, L. A., Pitchforth, E., Beckett, K., & Kendrick, D. (2016). Barriers and facilitators to delivering injury prevention interventions in English children's centres. International Journal of Health Promotion and Education, 54(2), 60-71.

The aim of this study is to understand barriers and facilitators to the delivery of injury prevention programmes in English children's centres (CCs). Unintentional injury is a major cause of disability and death in children aged 1–4 years; those livi... Read More about Barriers and facilitators to delivering injury prevention interventions in English children's centres.

Changes in the rate of nicotine metabolism across pregnancy: a longitudinal study (2015)
Journal Article
Bowker, K., Lewis, S., Coleman, T., & Cooper, S. (2015). Changes in the rate of nicotine metabolism across pregnancy: a longitudinal study. Addiction, 110(11),

Aims: Increased nicotine metabolism during pregnancy could explain why nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) appears to be less effective on smoking cessation in pregnancy than in non-pregnant smokers, but little is known about nicotine metabolism acros... Read More about Changes in the rate of nicotine metabolism across pregnancy: a longitudinal study.