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Solving sampling bias problems in presence–absence or presence-only species data using zero-inflated models (2021)
Journal Article
Nolan, V., Gilbert, F., & Reader, T. (2022). Solving sampling bias problems in presence–absence or presence-only species data using zero-inflated models. Journal of Biogeography, 49(1), 215-232.

Aim: Large databases of species records such as those generated through citizen science projects, archives or museum collections are being used with increasing frequency in species distribution modelling (SDM) for conservation and land management. De... Read More about Solving sampling bias problems in presence–absence or presence-only species data using zero-inflated models.

Mapping the evolution of accurate Batesian mimicry of social wasps in hoverflies (2021)
Journal Article
Leavey, A., Taylor, C. H., Symonds, M. R. E., Gilbert, F., & Reader, T. (2021). Mapping the evolution of accurate Batesian mimicry of social wasps in hoverflies. Evolution,

Hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae) provide an excellent opportunity to study the evolution of Batesian mimicry, where defenseless prey avoid predation by evolving to resemble defended “model” species. Although some hoverflies beautifully resemble their... Read More about Mapping the evolution of accurate Batesian mimicry of social wasps in hoverflies.

Historical maps confirm the accuracy of zero‐inflated model predictions of ancient tree abundance in English wood‐pastures (2021)
Journal Article
Nolan, V., Reader, T., Gilbert, F., & Atkinson, N. (2021). Historical maps confirm the accuracy of zero‐inflated model predictions of ancient tree abundance in English wood‐pastures. Journal of Applied Ecology, 58(11), 2661-2672.

Ancient trees have important ecological, historical and social connections, and are a key source of dead and decaying wood, a globally declining resource. Wood-pastures, which combine livestock grazing, open spaces and scattered trees, are significan... Read More about Historical maps confirm the accuracy of zero‐inflated model predictions of ancient tree abundance in English wood‐pastures.

Seasonal patterns in habitat use by the harvest mouse (Micromys minutus) and other small mammals (2021)
Journal Article
Occhiuto, F., Mohallal, E., Gilfillan, G. D., Lowe, A., & Reader, T. (2021). Seasonal patterns in habitat use by the harvest mouse (Micromys minutus) and other small mammals. Mammalia, 85(4), 325-335.

The ecology of the harvest mouse (Micromys minutus) is poorly understood, partly because it is a difficult species to monitor. It is commonly associated with reedbeds, where evidence suggests that it experiences strong seasonal fluctuations in abunda... Read More about Seasonal patterns in habitat use by the harvest mouse (Micromys minutus) and other small mammals.

Growth impacts in a changing ocean: insights from two coral reef fishes in an extreme environment (2021)
Journal Article
D'Agostino, D., Burt, J. A., Santinelli, V., Vaughan, G. O., Fowler, A., Reader, T., Taylor, B. M., Hoey, A. S., Cavalcante, G. H., Bauman, A. G., & Feary, D. A. (2021). Growth impacts in a changing ocean: insights from two coral reef fishes in an extreme environment. Coral Reefs, 40(2), 433–446.

Determining the life history consequences for fishes living in extreme and variable environments will be vital in predicting the likely impacts of ongoing climate change on reef fish demography. Here, we compare size-at-age and maximum body size of t... Read More about Growth impacts in a changing ocean: insights from two coral reef fishes in an extreme environment.