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Outputs (112)

Serine phosphorylation of HIV-1 Vpu and its binding to tetherin regulates interaction with clathrin adaptors (2015)
Journal Article
Kueck, T., Foster, T. L., Weinelt, J., Sumner, J. C., Pickering, S., & Neil, S. J. D. (2015). Serine phosphorylation of HIV-1 Vpu and its binding to tetherin regulates interaction with clathrin adaptors. PLoS Pathogens, 11(8), Article e1005141.

HIV-1 Vpu prevents incorporation of tetherin (BST2/ CD317) into budding virions and targets it for ESCRT-dependent endosomal degradation via a clathrin-dependent process. This requires a variant acidic dileucine-sorting motif (ExxxLV) in Vpu. Structu... Read More about Serine phosphorylation of HIV-1 Vpu and its binding to tetherin regulates interaction with clathrin adaptors.

Alcelaphine Herpesvirus-1 (Malignant Catarrhal Fever Virus) in Wildebeest Placenta: Genetic Variation of ORF50 and A9.5 Alleles (2015)
Journal Article
Lankester, F., Lugelo, A., Mnyambwa, N., Ndabigaye, A., Keyyu, J., Kazwala, R., Grant, D., Relf, V., HAIG, D., Cleaveland, S., & Russell, G. (2015). Alcelaphine Herpesvirus-1 (Malignant Catarrhal Fever Virus) in Wildebeest Placenta: Genetic Variation of ORF50 and A9.5 Alleles. PLoS ONE, 10(5), Article e0124121.

Mutations in hepatitis C virus p7 reduce both the egress and infectivity of assembled particles via impaired proton channel function (2013)
Journal Article
Bentham, M. J., Foster, T. L., McCormick, C., & Griffin, S. (2013). Mutations in hepatitis C virus p7 reduce both the egress and infectivity of assembled particles via impaired proton channel function. Journal of General Virology, 94, 2236-2248.

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) p7 protein is critical for the efficient production of infectious virions in culture. p7 undergoes genotype-specific protein–protein interactions as well as displaying channel-forming activity, making it unclear whether the ph... Read More about Mutations in hepatitis C virus p7 reduce both the egress and infectivity of assembled particles via impaired proton channel function.

Structure-guided design affirms inhibitors of hepatitis C virus p7 as a viable class of antivirals targeting virion release (2013)
Journal Article
Foster, T. L., Thompson, G. S., Kalverda, A. P., Kankanala, J., Bentham, M., Wetherill, L. F., Thompson, J., Barker, A. M., Clarke, D., Noerenberg, M., Pearson, A. R., Rowlands, D. J., Homans, S. W., Harris, M., Foster, R., & Griffin, S. (2014). Structure-guided design affirms inhibitors of hepatitis C virus p7 as a viable class of antivirals targeting virion release. Hepatology, 59(2), 408-422.

Current interferon‐based therapy for hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is inadequate, prompting a shift toward combinations of direct‐acting antivirals (DAA) with the first protease‐targeted drugs licensed in 2012. Many compounds are in the pipeline... Read More about Structure-guided design affirms inhibitors of hepatitis C virus p7 as a viable class of antivirals targeting virion release.

Cyclophilin A interacts with domain II of hepatitis C virus NS5A and stimulates RNA binding in an isomerase-dependent manner (2011)
Journal Article
Foster, T. L., Gallay, P., Stonehouse, N. J., & Harris, M. (2011). Cyclophilin A interacts with domain II of hepatitis C virus NS5A and stimulates RNA binding in an isomerase-dependent manner. Journal of Virology, 85(14), 7460-7464.

NS5A plays a critical, yet poorly defined, role in hepatitis C virus genome replication. The protein consists of three domains, each of which is able to bind independently to the 3′ untranslated region (UTR) of the viral positive strand genomic RNA.... Read More about Cyclophilin A interacts with domain II of hepatitis C virus NS5A and stimulates RNA binding in an isomerase-dependent manner.

All three domains of the Hepatitis C virus nonstructural NS5A protein contribute to RNA binding (2010)
Journal Article
Foster, T. L., Belyaeva, T., Stonehouse, N. J., Pearson, A. R., & Harris, M. (2010). All three domains of the Hepatitis C virus nonstructural NS5A protein contribute to RNA binding. Journal of Virology, 84(18), 9267-9277.

The hepatitis C virus (HCV) nonstructural protein NS5A is critical for viral genome replication and is thought to interact directly with both the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, NS5B, and viral RNA. NS5A consists of three domains which have, as yet, un... Read More about All three domains of the Hepatitis C virus nonstructural NS5A protein contribute to RNA binding.

A comparative analysis of the fluorescence properties of the wild-type and active site mutants of the hepatitis C virus autoprotease NS2-3 (2009)
Journal Article
Foster, T. L., Tedbury, P. R., Pearson, A. R., & Harris, M. (2010). A comparative analysis of the fluorescence properties of the wild-type and active site mutants of the hepatitis C virus autoprotease NS2-3. BBA - Proteins and Proteomics, 1804(1), 212-222.

Hepatitis C virus encodes an autoprotease, NS2-3, which is required for processing of the viral polyprotein between the non-structural NS2 and NS3 proteins. This protease activity is vital for the replication and assembly of the virus and therefore r... Read More about A comparative analysis of the fluorescence properties of the wild-type and active site mutants of the hepatitis C virus autoprotease NS2-3.

Determinants of hepatitis C virus p7 ion channel function and drug sensitivity identified in vitro (2009)
Journal Article
StGelais, C., Foster, T. L., Verow, M., Atkins, E., Fishwick, C. W. G., Rowlands, D., Harris, M., & Griffin, S. (2009). Determinants of hepatitis C virus p7 ion channel function and drug sensitivity identified in vitro. Journal of Virology, 83(16), 7970-7981.

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) chronically infects 170 million individuals, causing severe liver disease. Although antiviral chemotherapy exists, the current regimen is ineffective in 50% of cases due to high levels of innate virus resistance. New, virus-sp... Read More about Determinants of hepatitis C virus p7 ion channel function and drug sensitivity identified in vitro.

Effect of ultrasonic treatment during cleaning on the microbiological condition of poultry transport crates (2008)
Journal Article
Allen, V., Whyte, R., Burton, C., Harris, J., Lovell, R., Atterbury, R., & Tinker, D. (2008). Effect of ultrasonic treatment during cleaning on the microbiological condition of poultry transport crates. British Poultry Science, 49(4), 423-428.

1. Small sections cut from commercial crates used to transport live poultry to the processing plant were artificially contaminated with effluent taken from a commercial crate-cleaning system.

2. Laboratory trials, involving the immersion of these... Read More about Effect of ultrasonic treatment during cleaning on the microbiological condition of poultry transport crates.