Ligurian peasant cooking in English travel books, c. 1840 to c. 1914
Book Chapter
BALZARETTI, R. (2023). Ligurian peasant cooking in English travel books, c. 1840 to c. 1914. In R. Cevasco, V. Pescini, & R. Hearn (Eds.), Situating Foodways and Foodscapes. Dalla tavola al terreno (371-405). Genova University Press
Outputs (2)
Topographical art, travel accounts and the landscape history of viticulture in 18th and 19th -century Italy (2023)
Book Chapter
Piana, P., Balzaretti, R., & Watkins, C. (2023). Topographical art, travel accounts and the landscape history of viticulture in 18th and 19th -century Italy. In R. Cevasco, V. Pescini, & R. Hearn (Eds.), Situating foodways and foodscapes: Dalla tavola al terreno (237-260). Genova University Press