"Berlin of the East": India and the Politics of Cold War Asylum
Book Chapter
McGarr, P. (2020). "Berlin of the East": India and the Politics of Cold War Asylum. In Neutral Countries as Clandestine Battlegrounds, 1939–1968: Between Two Fires. Rowman & Littlefield
Outputs (142)
Feminist solidarities: Theoretical and practical complexities (2020)
Journal Article
Littler, J., & Rottenberg, C. (2021). Feminist solidarities: Theoretical and practical complexities. Gender, Work and Organization, 28(3), 864-877. https://doi.org/10.1111/gwao.12514© 2020 The Authors. Gender, Work & Organization published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd This article considers the resurgence of interest in feminist solidarity in theory and practice in the contemporary moment in the United States and UK. What does f... Read More about Feminist solidarities: Theoretical and practical complexities.
A Moment to Celebrate? Art of the Caribbean at the Venice Biennale (2020)
Journal Article
Asquith, W., & Wainwright, L. (2020). A Moment to Celebrate? Art of the Caribbean at the Venice Biennale. Journal of Curatorial Studies, 9(1), 40-68. https://doi.org/10.1386/jcs_00010_1In recent years, the sporadic presence of various Caribbean national pavilions at the Venice Biennale – Jamaica (2001), Haiti (2011), Bahamas (2013), Grenada (2015, 2017, 2019), Antigua and Barbuda (2017, 2019), Dominican Republic (2019) – has on eac... Read More about A Moment to Celebrate? Art of the Caribbean at the Venice Biennale.
From Russia with Love: Dissidents, Defectors and the Politics of Asylum in Cold War India (2020)
Journal Article
McGarr, P. M. (2020). From Russia with Love: Dissidents, Defectors and the Politics of Asylum in Cold War India. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, 48(4), 736-779. https://doi.org/10.1080/03086534.2020.1741835During the Cold War defectors were invariably paraded as propaganda trophies. The wider political significance of defections has hitherto been interrogated almost exclusively in an East–West binary. Utilising recently declassified documents from thre... Read More about From Russia with Love: Dissidents, Defectors and the Politics of Asylum in Cold War India.
The Novel of American Authoritarianism (2020)
Journal Article
Phelps, C. (2020). The Novel of American Authoritarianism. Science and Society, 84(2), 232-260. https://doi.org/10.1521/siso.2020.84.2.232Fictional literature portraying the descent of the United States into dictatorship is assessed critically and divided into three cultural-historical phases, each specific in class modality. Ignatius Donnelly’s Caesar’s Column (1890) and Jack London’... Read More about The Novel of American Authoritarianism.
William Dean Howells's Periodical Time (2019)
Journal Article
Thompson, G. (2019). William Dean Howells's Periodical Time. Arizona Quarterly, 75(4), 77-106. https://doi.org/10.1353/arq.2019.0021© 2019 by Arizona Board of Regents. This essay uses the example of William Dean Howells to redefine periodical time and suggest new ways in which extraliterary time manifests itself in literary form and content. Howells spent his early life typesetti... Read More about William Dean Howells's Periodical Time.
Understanding Bharati Mukherjee (2019)
MAXEY, R. (2019). Understanding Bharati Mukherjee. University of South Carolina Press. https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctvgs0bhhBharati Mukherjee was the first major South Asian American writer and the first naturalized American citizen to win the National Book Critics Circle Award. Born in Kolkata, India, she immigrated to the United States in 1961 and went on to publish eig... Read More about Understanding Bharati Mukherjee.
Fake News, Forgery, and Falsification: Western Responses to Soviet Disinformation in Cold War India (2019)
Journal Article
McGarr, P. M. (2021). Fake News, Forgery, and Falsification: Western Responses to Soviet Disinformation in Cold War India. International History Review, 43(1), 34-53. https://doi.org/10.1080/07075332.2019.1662471This paper examines Soviet Cold War disinformation activity in India. It recovers the importance of nonaligned nations in the story of Cold War covert propaganda. Over the course of a decade, that began with the outbreak of the Sino-Indian border war... Read More about Fake News, Forgery, and Falsification: Western Responses to Soviet Disinformation in Cold War India.
Full spectrum dominance : irregular warfare and the war on terror (2019)
RYAN, M. (2019). Full spectrum dominance : irregular warfare and the war on terror. Stanford University PressAmerica's war on terror is widely defined by the Afghanistan and Iraq fronts. Yet, as this book demonstrates, both the international campaign and the new ways of fighting that grew out of it played out across multiple fronts beyond the Middle East. M... Read More about Full spectrum dominance : irregular warfare and the war on terror.
Realism and the Profession of Authorship (2019)
Book Chapter
Thompson, G. (2019). Realism and the Profession of Authorship. In K. Newlin (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of American Literary Realism (301-320). Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190642891.013.16This chapter examines tensions between authorship and publishing in the era of American literary realism. The publishing industry changed with the emergence of literary agents, the growing financial significance of magazines and syndication, and the... Read More about Realism and the Profession of Authorship.