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Outputs (142)

Teach the children well: young adult literature and queer content
Billingham, S. E. Teach the children well: young adult literature and queer content. University of Nottingham

This paper forms part of a larger project interested equally in literary analysis of young adult texts with LGBTQ content, the institutional contexts within which such texts are produced, and what happens to the texts once they are published. Ultimat... Read More about Teach the children well: young adult literature and queer content.

Respectable white ladies, wayward girls, and telephone thieves in Miami’s “Case of the Clinking Brassieres”
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Miller, V. Respectable white ladies, wayward girls, and telephone thieves in Miami’s “Case of the Clinking Brassieres”. Presented at European Social Science History Conference

This essay uses the 1950 “case of the clinking brassieres” to explore female theft in Miami at mid-century and the ways in which gender, race, class, respectability, and youth offered protections and shaped treatment within Florida’s criminal justice... Read More about Respectable white ladies, wayward girls, and telephone thieves in Miami’s “Case of the Clinking Brassieres”.