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Outputs (6)

Collaborating for Impact: Navigating Partnerships and Overcoming Challenges across the Sustainable Development Goals (2025)
Journal Article
Azim, H., Johnston, A.-L., Nixon, M., Woodliffe, J. L., Theunissen, R., Suresh, R., Sivapalan, S., Bobo, J., & Licence, P. (2025). Collaborating for Impact: Navigating Partnerships and Overcoming Challenges across the Sustainable Development Goals. ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering,

We illustrate the importance of early career perspectives and diverse partnerships to develop solutions and overcome key challenges to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

Valorisation of hop leaves for their bioactive compounds: Identification and quantification of phenolics across different varieties, crop years and stages of development (2024)
Journal Article
Calvert, D., Dew, T., Gadon, A., Gros, J., & Cook, D. (2025). Valorisation of hop leaves for their bioactive compounds: Identification and quantification of phenolics across different varieties, crop years and stages of development. Food Chemistry, 465(Part 2), Article 142005.

Hop leaves, a by-product from hop cone harvesting, contain phenolic compounds of potential value for food or beverage applications. However, the abundant phenolics in hop leaves remain largely unquantified. This study quantified phenolics in hop leav... Read More about Valorisation of hop leaves for their bioactive compounds: Identification and quantification of phenolics across different varieties, crop years and stages of development.

Untargeted metabolomic profiling of 100% malt beers versus those containing barley adjunct (2024)
Journal Article
Yorke, J., Dew, T., & Cook, D. (2024). Untargeted metabolomic profiling of 100% malt beers versus those containing barley adjunct. Journal of the Institute of Brewing, 130(1), 31-46.

Why was the work done: The incorporation of unmalted barley at high proportion in the grist can introduce unfavourable bitter and astringent characteristics to beer, resulting in an upper limit on the proportion used. The flavour active compounds fro... Read More about Untargeted metabolomic profiling of 100% malt beers versus those containing barley adjunct.

Barley TAPETAL DEVELOPMENT and FUNCTION1 (HvTDF1) gene reveals conserved and unique roles in controlling anther tapetum development in dicot and monocot plants (2023)
Journal Article
Hua, M., Yin, W., Fernández Gómez, J., Tidy, A., Xing, G., Zong, J., Shi, S., & Wilson, Z. A. (2023). Barley TAPETAL DEVELOPMENT and FUNCTION1 (HvTDF1) gene reveals conserved and unique roles in controlling anther tapetum development in dicot and monocot plants. New Phytologist, 240(1), 173-190.

The anther tapetum helps control microspore release and essential components for pollen wall formation. TAPETAL DEVELOPMENT and FUNCTION1 (TDF1) is an essential R2R3 MYB tapetum transcription factor in Arabidopsis thaliana; however, little is known a... Read More about Barley TAPETAL DEVELOPMENT and FUNCTION1 (HvTDF1) gene reveals conserved and unique roles in controlling anther tapetum development in dicot and monocot plants.

Chlorophyll fluorescence-based high-throughput phenotyping facilitates the genetic dissection of photosynthetic heat tolerance in African (Oryza glaberrima) and Asian (Oryza sativa) rice (2023)
Journal Article
Robson, J. K., Ferguson, J. N., McAusland, L., Atkinson, J. A., Tranchant-Dubreuil, C., Cubry, P., Sabot, F., Wells, D. M., Price, A. H., Wilson, Z. A., & Murchie, E. H. (2023). Chlorophyll fluorescence-based high-throughput phenotyping facilitates the genetic dissection of photosynthetic heat tolerance in African (Oryza glaberrima) and Asian (Oryza sativa) rice. Journal of Experimental Botany, 74(17), 5181-5197.

Rising temperatures and extreme heat events threaten rice production. Half of the global population relies on rice for basic nutrition, and therefore developing heat-tolerant rice is essential. During vegetative development, reduced photosynthetic ra... Read More about Chlorophyll fluorescence-based high-throughput phenotyping facilitates the genetic dissection of photosynthetic heat tolerance in African (Oryza glaberrima) and Asian (Oryza sativa) rice.

Sporophytic control of pollen meiotic progression is mediated by tapetum expression of ABORTED MICROSPORES (2022)
Journal Article
Tidy, A. C., Ferjentsikova, I., Vizcay-Barrena, G., Liu, B., Yin, W., Higgins, J. D., Jie, X., Zhang, D., Geelen, D., & Wilson, Z. A. (2022). Sporophytic control of pollen meiotic progression is mediated by tapetum expression of ABORTED MICROSPORES. Journal of Experimental Botany, 73(16), 5543-5558.

Pollen development is dependent on the tapetum, a sporophytic anther cell layer surrounding the microspores that functions in pollen wall formation but is also essential for meiosis-associated development. There is clear evidence of crosstalk and co-... Read More about Sporophytic control of pollen meiotic progression is mediated by tapetum expression of ABORTED MICROSPORES.