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Slug frequency for a gas-liquid viscous flow in vertical pipes (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Magit, K., Hann, D., Hewkandamby, B., & Kisha, W. (2024, August). Slug frequency for a gas-liquid viscous flow in vertical pipes. Paper presented at 10th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Rhodes Island, Greece

Slug frequency is an important parameter for designing industrial installations with intermittent gas-liquid flows. The literature contains several empirical correlations to predict this parameter, but most studies have focused on air and water, with... Read More about Slug frequency for a gas-liquid viscous flow in vertical pipes.

Comparative Analysis Of Brightness-Based Laser-Induced Fluorescence (BBLIF) And Structured Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence (S-PLIF) For Film Thickness Measurement In Two-Phase Flow (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Sherif, A. A., Johnson, K., & Hann, D. (2024, July). Comparative Analysis Of Brightness-Based Laser-Induced Fluorescence (BBLIF) And Structured Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence (S-PLIF) For Film Thickness Measurement In Two-Phase Flow. Presented at 21st International Symposium on Applications of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon Portugal

Improved understanding of the interactions between gas and liquid phases in gas sheared film flow is crucial for n improved capability to employ computational modelling in the future to optimize systems, thereby reducing environmental impact, increas... Read More about Comparative Analysis Of Brightness-Based Laser-Induced Fluorescence (BBLIF) And Structured Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence (S-PLIF) For Film Thickness Measurement In Two-Phase Flow.

Comparison of disturbance wave parameters with flow orientation in vertical annular gas-liquid flows in a small pipe (2018)
Journal Article
Vasques, J., Cherdantsev, A. V., Cherdantsev, M., Isaenkov, S., & Hann, D. B. (in press). Comparison of disturbance wave parameters with flow orientation in vertical annular gas-liquid flows in a small pipe. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 97,

The interfacial wave structure of the liquid film in both upward and downward annular gas-liquid flows in an 11.7 mm pipe were investigated using the Brightness Based Laser Induced Fluorescence technique (BBLIF). Film thickness measurements were carr... Read More about Comparison of disturbance wave parameters with flow orientation in vertical annular gas-liquid flows in a small pipe.

Application of high speed filming techniques to the study of rearwards melt ejection in laser drilling (2017)
Journal Article
Jones, C., Hann, D. B., Voisey, K., & Aitken, S. (in press). Application of high speed filming techniques to the study of rearwards melt ejection in laser drilling. Journal of Laser Applications, 29(2), Article 022204.

Melt ejection is the dominant material removal mechanism in long, ms, pulse laser drilling of metals, a process with applications such as the drilling of cooling holes in turbine blades. Droplets of molten material are ejected through the entrance ho... Read More about Application of high speed filming techniques to the study of rearwards melt ejection in laser drilling.

A study of droplet impact on static films using the BB-LIF technique (2016)
Journal Article
Hann, D. B., Cherdantsev, A. V., Mitchell, A., McCarthy, I., Hewakandamby, B. N., & Simmons, K. (2016). A study of droplet impact on static films using the BB-LIF technique. Experiments in Fluids, 57(46),

This paper presents results of single droplet impacts on films of different height taken using the Brightness Based Laser Induced Fluorescence technique (BB-LIF). The dynamics of drop impingement such as the shape of the cavity, residual film thickne... Read More about A study of droplet impact on static films using the BB-LIF technique.