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Understanding labour exploitation in the Spanish agricultural sector using an agent based approach (2018)
Journal Article
Chesney, T., Evans, K., Gold, S., & Trautrims, A. (2019). Understanding labour exploitation in the Spanish agricultural sector using an agent based approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 214, 696-704.

Using an agent-based model we explore the model of slavery in modern business developed by Crane (2013). Taking the Spanish agricultural sector—specifically the area of Campo de Dalías in Almería where much of Europe's vegetables are grown—as a case,... Read More about Understanding labour exploitation in the Spanish agricultural sector using an agent based approach.

Slavery from Space: Demonstrating the role for satellite remote sensing to inform evidence-based action related to UN SDG number 8 (2018)
Journal Article
Boyd, D. S., Jackson, B., Wardlaw, J., Foody, G. M., Marsh, S., & Bales, K. (2018). Slavery from Space: Demonstrating the role for satellite remote sensing to inform evidence-based action related to UN SDG number 8. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 142, 380-388.

The most recent Global Slavery Index estimates that there are 40.3 million people enslaved globally. The UN’s Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development Goal number 8, section 8.7 specifically refers to the issue of forced labour: ending modern slavery... Read More about Slavery from Space: Demonstrating the role for satellite remote sensing to inform evidence-based action related to UN SDG number 8.